
Sunday, August 7, 2011

In My Mailbox (8)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From Library Sale

Only one from the library sale this week. I'm getting better! I love the cover of this book and historical romance has become one of my favorite genres to read, so I picked this up! Hopefully I can find time to read this book! 

From Giveaway

I got some really really great books from giveaways this week!!! I got Dracula in Love from Tina's Book Reviews. I was really excited to see I won One Day from Lily's Books Haven because I've heard it's really awesome!! Lastly, I won a signed copy of Starfire and some really pretty Sleeping Beauty earrings from Ravencraft Romance! I want to thank everyone for these awesome giveaways!!

From Author/Publisher

I love it when authors contact me to review their books, but when Sherry Gammon contacted me to review Unlovable, I was absolutely ecstatic. I had recently read so many good reviews for it and earlier in that week I almost ordered it off of Amazon because I wanted it so bad. Then I had an email form her asking me if I wanted to review it. You can say I kinda flipped out. But I'm also really excited about these other books too and I will even be having a giveaway of Madame Bovary's daughter sometime in the near future, so make sure you all stop by again!

That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. nice haul! you always have so many books every week :)

    here's my IMM:

  2. You got quite the collection this week! Will definitely have to keep a look out for a few of your reviews on some of these!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. All of these books look really pretty and have really nice covers! I hope that you enjoy all of your new books!


  4. Wow, a lot of books this week and so many to add to my wish list :) Enjoy!

  5. I really want to read One Day.

    Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  6. Oooh! Looks like some good books. I got Unlovable myself when I first got my Nook, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Madame Bovary's Daughter sounds good, I keep seeing it in the stores and online. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  7. Happy reading. Enjoy your books darling.

  8. Unlovable had a gorgeous cover. I am a little jealous!

  9. The books look great. Have fun reading!

  10. Yay Dracula in Love! O what is Starfire about? It looks great.
    Thanks for stopping by my IMM. O what is your font i love it. I have seen a few other blogs with it and its great. Are you on blogger? Just wondering.
    Happy Reading!!

  11. Looks like you have some good ones this week. Have fun!

  12. Unloveable does look good. the cover is beautiful!

  13. I've heard One Day is brilliant, I've not read it yet though!

    Happy reading!

  14. great mailbox! and I have to say, One Day was fantastic. I finished it last week and I was so emotional towards the end. Such a good read and beautiful plot. I goes down as an all time favourite! Hope you enjoy :)

  15. It's always interesting the books you learn about from this meme that I've never even heard of before! Happy reading :)

  16. Great IMM! One Day looks really interesting.

  17. Unlovable and Dracula in love look really good! Happy Reading! <3

  18. Wow, only one book from a library sale? You have far more will-power than I think I will ever possess. I usually end up with at least three or four, more if they're having their bag of books for a dollar sale.

    You got a lot awesome books this week, totally jealous of Unlovable because it just looks so good. Can't wait to hear what you think!

    Happy reading! :]

  19. Starfire looks really good and it's new to me.

    Check out our Mailbox at Book Sake.

  20. Dracula In Love sounds interesting, but I'm kind of dubious about it. I hope you're planning to review that one because I'm definitely curious about it! Nice IMM.

  21. Ooh, One Day looks fabulous! I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say about that one. Happy reading! :)

  22. Ahh that's great about being contacted by the author of a book you were lusting after :)

  23. Ooh, I've been dying to read Dracula In Love, because I've heard some really cool things about it. And Unloveable looks really good, too. :)

    I really like your blog and I'm totally a new follower now, possibly a stalker for life! lol.

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    My In My Mailbox!
    Tweet Me!

  24. madame bovary's daughter, how interesting! i hadn't seen that one yet.

  25. Wow! Great IMM! I bet you were doing a happy dance when these came in lol. UNLOVABLE looks reeeally creepy. I want to read it! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Enjoy your reads =)

  26. Great haul of books this week. So many fascinating sounding titles. =)

    Happy reading.

    The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  27. Ooh, enjoy One Day.. I absolutely loved that book!

    Thanks for coming by my blog! :)

  28. I really want to read One Day before the movie comes looks good!

    My IMM:

  29. There seems to be a common theme to the book covers ... all except 1 :-)

  30. Those look like some great books! I love the cover for Starfire!

  31. Looks like you got a lot of books this week! I haven't heard too much about any of them but I hope you enjoy them :) Happy reading!

  32. Unlovable sounds intriguing! lovely cover :) hopping back! happy reading :P

  33. These look great!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I love the pics at the header! :) Happy reading!

  34. Starfire has hot cover! wonder what's it about... new follower here! ^_^

  35. Enjoy all your books - I haven't heard of most of those they look great though. Happy reading :)
