
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book Review: Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman

Summary: Meg and Shar have never got along, which isn't such a good things seeing as they're roommates. One day, in the middle of yet another fight, tragedy strikes and the girls find themselves making a deal with the Lord of the Underworld, Hades. In order to fix what they did, they must become Hades's Sirens and deliver an esteemed fashion designer to the Underworld. As the deadline looms closer, Meg and Shar must overcome obstacles that may cross their path, including more mythical creatures, in order to finish their task, or else they must stay Hades's sirens forever. 

Review: I was really excited to read a book that wasn't your typical young adult read. I really liked the idea of mixing mythology with the modern day world, but when it was put into a story it was just okay to me. I really liked Meg and Shar and how even thought they hated each other, they were pushed together when Hades blackmailed them into becoming his sirens. Their fight over Jeremy was cute, but the story was kind of slow. There were moments when I was like, when is something interesting going to happen? It was a bit predictable and Shar's character was sometimes annoying, but the book as a whole was just okay. I wouldn't say that you had to read it right this second, but if you have nothing else to read, then you might like this. It's a short, light read that's fun and full of mythological gods/goddesses.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like this one as much as you thought you would, but thanks for the honest review! It does look like a cute book so I may check it out eventually.
