
Sunday, July 31, 2011

In My Mailbox (7)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From the Library

So this week I did not intend to get this many books from the library. I had these on reserve for probably a month and they all decided to come in right at the same exact time. I don't know how I'm going to be able to read all of these along with all of the other books I have to read, but I guess we'll see if I can! 

From Library Sale 

I really enjoyed Kelley Armstrong's books for young adults, so when I saw Bitten at the library, I decided to give it a try and buy it. The other book just looks like a fun book about a bar tender, so for a dollar I decided it was worth it to pick it up. 

Won from Giveaway

This week, I won Warriors of the Cross from The Authoress. Then, I won The Cowboy and the Vampire along with some very cool swag from YzhaBella's BookShelf! I want to thank them for the awesome giveaways!! 

From Author/Publisher

I got some pretty awesome books to review this week! Make sure you guys check buy my blog this week and under my giveaways section because I've got some great giveaways coming up of some of these books! I can't wait to read them!    

That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. Old follower saying hello. Looks like you got yourself a lot this week as well.

  2. You've got some really awesome books! And a lot. Bitten is awesome it's really good, and the second one is really really good :P

  3. Thanks for visiting mine and wow what great books. I love the cover for The Cowboy and the Vampire.

  4. The cover of Wedlocked cracks me up!Hope you enjoy them all!

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I love the puppy! So cute!
    BTW, great IMM! A few books I want to read! : )

  6. small town sinners seems to be everywhere i think i will have to get a copy! thanks for sharing your IMM

  7. Great IMM! Yummy, cupcakes! I would read that book :)

  8. Great Haul this week! Have fun reading them! :)

    Peggy - Pawing Through Books

  9. I really want to read The Cupcake Queen and Back When You Were Easier to Love. Happy reading!

  10. It always seems that whenever I place a hold for multiple items at the library, they all come in at the same time, no matter how many people are ahead of me in the hold line. Good luck getting through them all in time.

  11. Wow, great haul of books you have there - go libraries!! Happy reading,

    Thanks for stopping over at my blog too!

    Zoe from Bookhi

  12. I haven't read any of these, but they all look awesome. Way more than my one book, lol. Enjoy your haul!

  13. There are a lot of books I haven't heard of. I'll check them out. Enjoy!

  14. I'm really jealous about Small Town Sinners! I'm hoping to get it next week.

    Hope you enjoy everything!
    Thanks for stopping by mine. :)

    Amanda @ Letters Inside Out

  15. Awesome looking books!!

    Warriors of the cross is so eye catching!!!

  16. Your library books look awesome!! Great IMM this week! Enjoy!

  17. Cupcake Queen looks so good - and anything by Kelly Armstrong!

  18. Awesome books this week! I really want to read Paradise. It looks so cute! Enjoy!


  19. I think you definitely picked up some great books. I love the cover of The Cupcake Queen and wound imagine that it tells a pretty cute story.

  20. Love the cover for Small Town Sinners!

  21. You have a great mailbox this week! Back When You Were Easier to Love looks good...Happy reading!

  22. You have so many books! I try and only leave the library with two or three books at a time. It's a struggle but I try. I really want to read Small Town Sinners. It looks really good.

  23. I can't wait to read Small Town Sinners and I heard Paradise was great! Happy reading this week.

    -Sarah @ Y.A. Love
    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  24. I always come back from the library with more books that I meant to. :) Small Town Sinners looks really interesting, and I really need to read Kelley Armstrong's books. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  25. Oh wow, you do have a lot of books this week. And they seem to be pretty great finds too.

    Here's my IMM:

  26. Ooh great books this week - I love the sound of Small Town Sinners! Hope you enjoy them all - happy reading! :)

  27. What a great bunch of books! I find that the holds at the library always seem to all come in at the same time. Then I feel like I have to explain myself to the circ clerk so I don't look like such a book glutton ;-)


  28. Loved Paradise (except for the ending) and am interested in Small Town Sinners -- I've been hearing a lot about that one. Great haul this time! Happy Reading!

  29. Thanks for stopping by Ink Scratchers! I really want From Willa With Love!


  30. Small Town Sinners looks fantastic!
    The cover is gorgeous, I'll definitely have to check it out.

    Happy reading!

  31. From Willa With Love looks excellent!

    You have a ton of great new books. :-)

    Happy reading.

  32. Small Town Sinners! I want it! I've heard great things about it.

    I hope you like Back When You Were Easier to Love more than I did. =/

  33. Thanks for the visit! Your mailbox looks... huge this week! -laughs- I'm looking forward to your reviews, specially for Bitten, Warriors of the Cross and Vanished in the Night!

    Ron @ Stories of my life

  34. Great set! The Cupcake Queen was a fun book. I really want to read Small Town Sinners.
    My IMM

  35. Back When You Were Easier to Love and The Cupcake Queen both sound awesome. Very jealous! Hope you like them.

    Here's my IMM:

  36. Thanks for stopping by- it looks like you got a lot of great books!

  37. Great books this week, and congrats on the win. Small Town Sinners looks really interesting. Happy Reading!

  38. I have actually read The Cupcake Queen. Not a bad book.

  39. Bitten is no joke one of the best books I have ever read. It's a great, great paranormal romance. Kelley Armstrong = too awesome.

    Thanks for visiting my IMM! Looks like you got a great haul there.


  40. It's so cool you can get so many great books from the library. Have fun! :D

  41. Cute looking books! I love your layout btw! <3 And thanks for stopping by! Join in my first giveaway here.

  42. Oh wow, you had a great week! I've read Back When You Were Eaiser to Love. It was good, but not osmething that will stick with me forever.

    I keep hearing about Small Town Sinners and I'm intrigued by it, so I'll be curious to see your review. The more I hear about it the more I want to pick it up!

  43. Great looking books!
    I want the cupcake queen just for the front cover!!

    Happy reading :)

  44. Thanks for visiting my IMM for the week. :D And yay for library sales! They're so awesome. You got a nice haul for the week!

  45. Wow, you got A LOT of books in this week! Pretty fantastic haul! I hope you have time to read them all like you want to! Happy reading :]

  46. Great IMM! I enjoyed Bitten, and Back When You Were Easier to Love, Small Town Sinners... and several others look interesting!

    Here's the ling to my IMM:

    Louise @ Between the Covers Blog

  47. That's an awesome mailbox!
    I hear great things about Small Town Sinners, I should really add that to my wish list :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog,
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  48. Nice books! And really cute covers...

  49. I really like the cover of.crushed!
    Thanks for popping over!

  50. I totally love Kelley's Otherworld series! You picked a good time to start since the series is nearing its end! Book 12 came out this week and book 13 is the last one! So sad, but still love the series! Bitten was one of my top faves!

    Happy Reading! Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  51. I've read a few by Kelley Armstrong, she's an excellent writer. I have the Vampire and The Cowboy for review myself because they have an upcoming Blog Tour. The cover on Vanished in the Night is really cool.

  52. Awesome books this week!

    Lily x

  53. You have great books this week. Enjoy!

  54. Yay for library books! I can't WAIT to read 'Small Town Sinners'. 'The Cupcake Queen' was really cute, and I enjoyed 'Back When...' as well.

  55. All of your library books look amazing! I'm a little bit jealous, lol!

  56. yay for getting Bitten this week too LOL
    Enjoy the books!

  57. Bitten is one of my favorite books ever! Hope you enjoy it!

  58. Ooh looks like you got a lot of good ones there :D
    From Willa, With Love & Small Town Sinners have been on my TBR list! Hope you enjoy them!!

  59. Ooh, I must read The Cupcake Queen! I love cupcakes.

    I read The Perfect Manhattan a couple of years ago and liked it. Enjoy!

  60. Great books this week, you sure got a ton! Small town sinners looks really good!

  61. Wow so many books I haven't heard of lol I bought bitten after enjoying Kelleys ya series to but not read it yet

  62. I have only heard of one of these - Paradise - but it looks good. Enjoy your haul! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  63. new follower :)

    Wow you got some awesome books this week! Can't wait to check them out!!

    check out my in my mailbox!

  64. A really good haul this week. I bought Small Town Sinners last week and look forward to reading it. I really enjoyed The Cupcake Queen, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

    Happy reading!

    Wannabe Librarian

  65. You've got some great titles here! Hope you enjoy them!

    New follower! :-)

    Happy reading!

  66. Small Town Sinners and Back When You Were Easier to Love are both on my WL! Hope you enjoy them!!!!
    Thanks for stopping by My Mailbox.

  67. wow! Some great reads. Warriors of the Cross and Vanished in the Night look like two I am gonna have to check out! Thanks for stoppin' by my blog. :0)

  68. Great haul! Small Town Sinners is one I want to check out soon. Libraries are the best! Happy reading :)

  69. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Th Cupcake Queen looks interesting! Nice picks.


  70. Small Town Sinners looks really good---and I love the cover of The Cowboy and the Vampire!

  71. YAY for Small Town Sinners! Just a awesome stack of books. Happy reading :)

  72. I wonder what you'll think of From Willa With Love. I have that too.

  73. I feel bad for not know about any of those books. Haha!

    hope you enjoy all of them anyway :)

    Also thanks for visiting my mailbox too:)
    -Splash of our Worlds

  74. Thanks for visiting my IMM this week :)
    I'm currently reading Crushed! (Just received it from the author!) & I can't wait to read Small Town Sinners!

  75. Awesome mailbox! I want to read Small Town Sinners so much, happy reading!

  76. Hope you enjoy "Bitten" I've only read Kelley Armstrong's YA novel but I like her and I will be starting on her adult series soon.

  77. Oh whenever I reserve books at the library everything wants to come in at once too! Always happens. lol Anyway, I haven't read any of these books, but I hope you enjoy them! :)

  78. Isn't that the way it always is...the holds at the library always come in all at once!

    You have a great load of books there! The Kelley Armstrong one looks good, and so does Vanished in the Night. Enjoy!
