
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Author Interview/Giveaway: Jodie Cooper

I am super excited to announce that today I have an interview with Jodie Cooper, author of The Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire. Her book was just published this year, so Jodie is here to share a little bit about her new novel and herself! 

What three words would you use to describe "Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire"?
Sweet - Forbidden - Forever

How did you get the idea of your paranormal romance about vampires?
LOL - Trial and error? I've always wanted to write, but I couldn't decide which paranormal race to write about. There are so many! Actually, in the first draft, the vampires were druids with fangs. If I don't keep a tight rein on it, my imagination gets away with me. Anyway, I didn't likefangy druids. Most of my first draft ended up deleted or completely rewritten.

If you could be one character from your book, who would you be and why?
Sarah. Hands down, no contest I love her character. She has a lot of hidden layers most readers may not see until the end of the book. I love writing her scenes, especially when Nick is involved.

Her outward appearance is so ice cold, yet she is burning hot inside. Honestly, I can't wait to write Sarah's story, but it's not due until late 2012 as book #5 of the series.

Why writing? Have you always loved it or is it something new?
I love writing. I started writing in my teens, but gave it up to get a 'real' job. I wish I hadn't, but what's done is done and can't be undone.

What are your inspirations when you write? When you get stuck, what do you do?
I'd like to say, I wake-up with a dream running through my head but it's only happened a few times. LOL More often than not, I create the character first then write down a dozen horrible things that might happen to her/him. I love happy endings, but only after the characters experience a good dose of tragedy.
As for your second question... sigh, my degree is actually in business, not creative writing. In business when faced with a problem you 'brain storm.' Essentially it means picking a single subject and writing down every idea that pops in your head no matter how weird.
When brain storming doesn't work I cook, work in the yard, read a good book, or surf the web, anything that allows me to shut down my thoughts and NOT think about my Brain Block. The next day, when I go back to the story, I re-read the last thousand words or so and my brain kicks into gear with new ideas.

What do you do when you're not writing? 
Recently, I've spent most of my time twittering, answering e-mails, updating my new blog, Facebook, and networking. When I'm not doing any of those things, I love reading. Always have.

What is your favorite book/author and why?
Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Karen Moning... the list is endless. To answer your question, I can't pick a favorite. Whoever I'm reading at the moment is my favorite. It changes from week to week.
When I start reading, I sink into the story and love every minute of it.

What's next?
I have several simultaneous projects. I never work on a single item.
I'm approximately 60% finished with Forbidden Valley, the next book in the Sídhí Summer Camp series.
I'm nearly finished editing Stolen, the third novelette in the Song of the Sídhí series.
Lastly, I started a new blog, reporting Sídhí news clips. The blog is called, Sídhí World News. My daily posts are called news reports. You never know when a werewolf is going to escape from the zoo or when students at the Wyvern Riding Academy have a mid-air collision or the latest theft of basilisk eggs... the list of hot news clips is endless.

Thank you so much Jodie for being here at Peace Love Books today! To learn more about Jodie, check out her blog or her website!


Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire
Summary: Is Jared an answer to prayer or her worst nightmare?

Seventeen-year-old, Katie McQuillen is a halfling (vampire/elf mix) in a world where halflings are not acceptable members of polite society. Unfortunately, her grandpa is chairman of the Vampire High Council and she is forced into attending a summer camp meant to create peace between the Sídhí races. 

She is in the middle of Sídhí puberty going from scrawny to beach bunny in less than three weeks when she and her twin brother arrive at camp.

Camp starts off with a bang when vampire hottie, Jared Andrews, becomes one of her new seven cabinmates, especially when he can't keep his eyes off her. But is he interested in her, her family's money, or her blood?

She might actually enjoy summer camp, if she can stop finding dead bodies and if people stop trying to kill her.

Jodie Cooper has graciously offered one e-copy of her novel, Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire. Along with this giveaway, every person who enters the giveaway will receive an e-copy of Jodie's novella Beloved LifeMate

To enter: 
-Post a comment on this interview with your email
-You do not need to be a follower, but it would be greatly 
appreciated if you were! 
-1 winners will be randomly chosen and announced on August 5th
-Winners have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen
-Once the giveaway is over, each person who comments will be
emailed a smashwords coupon for the novella Beloved LifeMate


  1. That's pretty cool, well done.

  2. Great interview! Some very detailed answers!


  3. Hi, there! Wonderful interview!! Thanks for bringing it to us! And the giveaway, too!!!

    My e-mail address:

  4. Ace interview and the book sounds amazing!

    email: pamela(at)pamelaltodd(dot)com



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