
Friday, May 20, 2011

Family Forever Friday (1)

Family Forever Friday

The blog I just recently started to follow, E & K Family Book Review has started a "meme," which I guess is something that other bloggers participate in every week (sorry, I'm kinda new at the whole blogging lingo), and I've decided to participate! It's called Family Forever Friday and E & K will have weekly questions for bloggers to answer so that others can know more about them. I know I don't have any followers yet, but hey, I gotta start somewhere! 

This week's question: What is your most embarrassing moment as a kid? 

My most embarrassing moment was when I was about nine years old. I was at my older brother's baseball game (he was about eleven, so it was rec baseball) and I was forced to come by my mom. In order to prevent my inevitable boredom of just watching the baseball game, I brought my pink CD player with the new Play CD (they were popular all-girl pop band that I loved then). I was listening to their remake of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and I could never remember the right order of the words in the chorus. After listening to that song about ten times, I was determined to finally get them right. When the chorus came along, I started to whisper (or what I thought was a whisper) the words out loud. I was finally getting them right until my mom tapped me on the arm and gave me a bizarre look. I took off my headphones and saw that everyone in the bleachers was staring at me, including all the boys on my brother's team's bench. I had sang the song a lot louder than I had thought! I had to spend the rest of the game avoiding eye contact with anyone in the stands while my cheeks were bright red with embarrassment. Now, I'm not shy of belting it out in front of people (with not-so-lovely voice), but as a nine year old, I just couldn't wait to get out of that baseball game and forget any of that had ever happened. 

If you want to check out E & K's website, here's the link!


  1. Darned headphones!!! They always make things sounder softer than they really are. Great story! Thanks for the share!

  2. Headphones are a curse! There is always the poor soul who does the same thing at my work once in a while.

  3. lol! I could totally imagine that happening to me now, as an adult! My daughter E has been known to not so quietly sing along with her iPod and it always makes me smile.


    Thanks for participating!
