
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Books to Movies

The Hunger Games:This new issue of Entertainment Weekly came in the mail yesterday and I flipped out when I saw the cover!! Jennifer Lawrence (on the cover) looks like she's going to be an amazing Katniss in The Hunger Games movie. She carries the whole kick-butt, rebel, strong personality that Katniss has in the books. What I'm a little bummed about for the cast of the movie is who are playing Gale and Peeta. If it were up to me, I would have Liam Hemsworth (from The Last Song) play Peeta while Josh Hutcherson plays Gale, but unfortunately it's the other way around. Maybe it's because I love Liam Hemsworth so much and would rather see him as Peeta, instead of Gale (who's barely in The Hunger Games). Other than that, though, I absolutely cannot wait until this movie comes out!!! I just hope the movies don't ruin the series like Twilight did. 

Matched by Ally Condie: Now this is a book that when I heard it was going to become a movie, I cringed. Though the cover makes it seem like an amazing book that could be the next Hunger Games, the plot is seriously lacking in any interest. When I was reading the book, I felt like the main character acted like she was 10 years old and following the plot was like swimming in a pool of caramel; hard to do and impossibly slow. For that reason, I could only hold onto the book for about halfway through until I had to give up, and I rarely stop reading a book halfway through. According to Entertainment Weekly, the writers of the Sherlock Holmes sequel are working on the screenplay for Matched. As of now, I'm not all that excited for this to come alive on the big screen but who knows, maybe these writers will be able to salvage this book and make it into a movie that can actually capture my attention for more than 5 minutes at a time. 


  1. I have yet to read Hunger Games, but I will soon. However, I agree with Matched. I don't know how I made it through the whole thing, but I did, and it wasn't bad. I just don't think I'll continue the series. I didn't know they were making a movie but that doesn't sound like a great idea. Maybe it will be better!

    New follower :o)


  2. The Hunger Games were an amazing series and I'm sure you're going to love them when you read them!! And thanks for following :)

  3. I whole heartedly agree about cringing when hearing that Matched was going to become a movie. The book was jusy dry yet people love the book. I don't get it, but I'm sure the movie will be much better then the book. I know when I saw Legally Blonde, I thought the book would be even better. It wasn't. So I'm sure the same will happen with Matched.

    I haven't read Hunger Games but I've heard nothing but good things about it so I'm sure it's a good book. I've been meaning to read it so now that a movie is coming out, I'll defintely keep my eye to see if I can grab Hunger Games.

  4. Yeah, I hope the movie's better! It was a good idea for a book, but I don't think it came out as the author wanted it to, at least when I read it. I just hope The Hunger Games doesn't get ruined by the movie, but judging by the cast it looks like it's going to be really good!

  5. I liked this book, mainly because of the romance, but I can see where you're coming from. I'm not sure I'd like a movie of this either!

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