
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Stacking the Shelves (270)


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what books they got throughout the week!

From the Author

My BFF sent me a copy of her new book and I am SOOOO EXCITED! She sent me a copy to giveaway, so be on the look out for that!! If you love surfing novels, you're going to love Break Line!

From Publisher

I also got an ARC of The Beauty that Remains and this book looks SO GOOD. They synopsis says that music brought three teens together and death wants to tear them apart. I can't wait to read it!

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 

1 comment:

  1. OOh nice new reads! New to me ones! That's awesome about your friend too! Hope you love them both!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
