
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday(192)


This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

Bad Habit
by Charleigh Rose
Release Date: November 16, 2017

I was infatuated with Asher Kelley the moment he came tumbling through my brother’s window five years ago. 
Even bruised and bloodied, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. 
We couldn't ever be together.
I was too young, and he was too untouchable. 
He was too troubled, and I was too naive. 
But the heart is rebellious, and mine decided it didn’t care about any of those things. 
As I got older, harmless flirting turned to stolen moments in dark corners. 
Until one day, he was gone without a trace.
Now, two years later, he’s back. 
Callous and cruel. 
He’s my brother’s best friend. My parents’ worst nightmare.
I should hate him. 
But like a Bad Habit, I can’t quit him. 


I was drawn to Briar Vale from the first time she looked up at me with stars in her big, blue eyes. 
She was just a kid, nothing but elbows and knees, but she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. 
We could never be together.
I was too old and she was too off limits. 
She was too good and I was too fucked up.
Eventually, the temptation became too much to resist. 
I risked everything for a kiss and she betrayed me. 
Two years have passed and I’m forced to see her again, but now she's all grown up. 
She’s my best friend’s baby sister. My downfall. 
I hate her for what she did. 
But she's always been my drug of choice. 


I love Charleigh Rose and was obsessed with Misbehaved when I read it earlier this year. When I heard Charleigh Rose had a new release coming out, I knew that I had to get my hands on it ASAP. And when that cover was revealed!?! GIVE ME THIS BOOK. Bad Habit sounds so full of angst and I love how it's kind of a forbidden romance with the older brother's best friend. Can you tell I'm excited? Because I am so excited to finally read this book! 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing! *adds to list* I'm so happy you shared this, and I will definitely have to check out the author's other books. Thanks! 💕

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