
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Book Review: On the Way to You by Kandi Steiner

On the Way to You
by Kandi Steiner
Release Date: November 16, 2017
Source: Author
What makes you happy?

That was the question Emery Reed asked me the day we met, and I couldn’t give him a single answer. I could have said my dog, or my books, or yoga — but I just stared.

And then, I got in his car.

It was crazy to take a road trip with a stranger, but after years of standing still, he was my one-way ticket to a new life, and I wasn’t going to miss it.

We shared the same space, the same car, the same hotel room — and still, we were strangers. One day we’d be laughing, the next, we wouldn’t speak. Emery was surrounded by impenetrable walls, but I wanted in.

Discovering his journal changed everything.

I read his thoughts, words not meant for anyone’s eyes, and the more I learned about him, the harder I fell. It turned out nothing made Emery Reed happy, and I wanted to change that.

I earned his trust by violating his privacy, and as wrong as it was, it worked — until one entry revealed a darkness I never knew existed, a timer I never knew was ticking.

Suddenly, what made me happy was saving Emery from himself. I just didn’t know if I could.

Ever since I found Kandi's books in January, I have wanted to gobble up every book she's written. When I saw that she had a book coming out in November, I knew that I had to have it. It sounded as emotional as A Love Letter to Whiskey and I couldn't wait to pick it up! 

Cooper always looks on the bright side and thought she was happy. She has her dog, her yoga, and her books. But when Emery Reed walks into the diner she's working at and offers her an out, Cooper knows she has to take it. Throwing her things into a bag, grabbing her dog, and hopping in the car, Emery finds herself on an emotional, whirlwind adventure to a future she's nervous for with a boy who makes her even more nervous and seems eve more lost than she could have ever imagined. 

In the beginning, it was impossible not to like Cooper's character. She was such an intriguing character and I loved how much she had grown in her life. I will say that I wish we had more direct contact between her and her family so that we could understand that dynamic more. We barely got any interaction, so I didn't really feel the emotion she had towards that relationship. Her dog, though, was so adorable and I loved how realistic Kandi made having a dog on a road trip. Nothing makes me more annoyed than dogs being left alone for hours and hours with no mention in a novel. Cooper definitely took care of her adorable pup! 

While this book did end up being super emotional, I found it hard to actually understand Cooper's relationship with Emery. I feel like he never did anything for Cooper to fall for him other than the fact that she read his journal. When they were together, he never did anything that really made me think he was a redeemable guy. Sure, he had such a heart-wrenching story, but we got a lot of that through his journal, not actually through him. Maybe I just missed that connection, but I wasn't as all in on the romance as I wanted to be. 

In the end, Kandi did not disappoint in delivering an emotional romance. I really enjoyed Cooper's character and her journey throughout this book. While I was so mad at her every time she picked up Emery's journal and invaded his privacy, I definitely understood her desire to understand what was going through his mind. If you want an emotional road trip new adult romance, you should definitely pick up On the Way to You.

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