
Friday, August 25, 2017

Books in Bourbon Country Signing

When book signings come around, there is a lot of waiting around until the day actually comes. I had bought my tickets for Books in Bourbon Country MONTHS in advance and was waiting for that August weekend to finally come around. I was so excited to meet some of my favorite authors and they were only going to be three and a half hours away from me! 

I left super early in the morning (we're talking 5:30 am), picked up a friend right across the border from Cincinnati, and arrived in Louisville early and ready to go. After waiting a couple of hours for the doors to open to the public, I spent four hours meeting my favorite authors, discovering new authors, and talking to some pretty amazing readers. 

I am still in shock that I got to meet these four amazing ladies. Since the signing wasn't busy at all, I got to spend so much time talking to each and every one of them. They were all so friendly and genuinely loved talking to their readers. Cora was so fun to gush about her books to and I completely fangirled over Mariana. I bought books from all of these authors and had them sign all of the books I already owned by them. Since the signing lasted four hours and I only spent about an hour with these four ladies, I roamed the tables and found some other pretty amazing authors! 

This was the first book signing I brought a rolling cart to, so I had nothing holding me back from buying as many books as I wanted to. Normally my bag fills up very quickly and I'm able to restrain myself from buying too much because my arm is killing me. While having a cart was a little dangerous for my wallet, I discovered three authors that I am so excited to read. Celia Aaron was so fun and convinced me to buy three of her books since I couldn't make up my mind. They sound like really gritty, dark romances, which is right up my alley. I also picked up a book by Fiona Cole and AJ Norris and can't wait to read them!

Overall, this was definitely one of the best book signings I have ever been to. They weren't crowded at all and I got to spend so much time with my favorite authors and discovering new authors. I cannot wait to go back to this signing next year! 

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