
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Book Review: Weightless by Kandi Steiner

By Kandi Steiner 
Release Date: June 16, 2016
Source: Book Depository 
I remember the lights. 

I remember I wanted to photograph them, the way the red and blue splashed across his cold, emotionless face. But I knew even if my feet could move from the place where they had cemented themselves to the ground and I could run for my camera, I wouldn’t be able to capture that moment. 

I had trusted him, I had loved him, and even though my body had changed that summer, he’d made sure to help me hold on to who I was inside, regardless of how the exterior altered.

But then everything changed.

He stole my innocence. He scarred my heart. He took everything I thought I knew about my life and fast-pitched it out the window, shattering the glass that held my world together in the process.

I remember the lights. 

The passionate, desperate, hot strikes of red. The harsh, cruel, icy bolts of blue.

They symbolized everything I endured that summer.

And everything I would never face again.

Ever since I finished A Love Letter to Whiskey in January, I have wanted to devour every word that Kandi has written. I was fortunate enough to meet Kandi this past weekend and, let me tell you guys, she is so amazing! She is full of so much energy and life and is so passionate about her books! Needless to say, I know that I need to read the rest of her books ASAP!

Natalie just graduated high school and thought she had a pretty good life. But when her boyfriend of two years dumps her for a thin, new, and not-so-nice girl, Natalie starts think about her life differently. Is she really happy? Is she really loved by her friends for who she is? Needing a change in both her physical and mental state, Natalie signs up for personal training sessions, hoping to find a confidence within herself that she didn't even know she was missing. What Natalie doesn't know is that she's in for a summer of self discovery, love, and heartache. 

From the moment I started this book, I knew that I was going to love it. I connected with Natalie right away and how she really wasn't sure she was content with her life or who she was. I appreciated that she was overweight and was dealing with her own self-confidence, which started to become more important to her than figuring out relationships. Taking care of yourself first can change your entire outlook on life and I enjoyed following Natalie on that journey to discovering who she was and who she really wanted to be. 

But let's get to what I really loved about this book. Rhodes. He is your typical bad boy with a bad reputation, but there was so much more to him that we got to see as he lowered his walls around Natalie. I loved, though, how getting to know him really wasn't that easy. He'd show some of himself to Natalie, but then slam those walls right back up. It was realistic, raw, and heartbreaking and I absolutely loved every second of it. There were even some twists and turns thrown in at the end that had me on the edge of my seat. 

If you can't tell, this was another emotionally draining and addicting hit from Kandi Steiner. With a relatable main character and a romance that will make you swoon and truly care about these characters, Weightless is a must read!

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