
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Book Review: Fallen Heir by Erin Watt

Fallen Heir (The Royals #4)
By Erin Watt
Release Date: August 28, 2017
Source: Authors
These Royals will ruin you.

Easton Royal has it all: looks, money, intelligence. His goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He never thinks about the consequences because he doesn’t have to.

Until Hartley Wright appears, shaking up his easy life. She’s the one girl who’s said no, despite being attracted to him. Easton can’t figure her out and that makes her all the more irresistible.

Hartley doesn’t want him. She says he needs to grow up.

She might be right.

Rivals. Rules. Regrets. For the first time in Easton’s life, wearing a Royal crown isn’t enough. He’s about to learn that the higher you start, the harder you fall.

Let me start off by saying that this book is probably my most anticipated read of the year. When I heard that ARCs were being sent out, I refreshed my Kindle every 20 minutes and flipped out when that beautiful purple cover popped up in my Kindle library. I want to thank Elle, Jen, and Nina for sending me an e-arc and making my year! I couldn't wait to finally have my love Easton's story and I devoured this book in one day. 

Easton Royal knows he's treated like royalty and takes full advantage of his name. Money? Girls? Popularity? All his. And Easton never has to think of the consequences of his actions. Until Hartley Wright enters his life. Easton is bored with the way his senior year is going and needs an outlet for all of his pent-up energy. Hartley is so refreshing among the same-old at their privileged high school. The only catch? Hartley wants nothing to do with Easton and seems immune to his charms. Easton's not one to give up on a challenge, but he's not prepared for how much Hartley will challenge him in the way he lives his life and the way he feels about her. 

Going into this, I was so freaking excited for Easton's story. He is just so broken and has so much crap to deal with emotionally ever since his mom died (which happened before this series even started). I hate how he self-medicates with fighting, sex, and alcohol. Hartley is exactly what Easton needed to put his life in perspective and I loved how much she challenged him. She was so fun and I loved having another strong female character in this series next to Ella. Of course, she was hiding something and was determined to get through life and high school without help from anyone, especially someone like Easton. There was so much resistance from her, but how can anyone resist someone like Easton!? I'm surprised she wasn't friends with Ella already! 

Regarding the romance, I was a little sad we didn't get more of an intense romance in this, but a lot of the book was Easton trying to prove that he could genuinely be a good person to Hartley. There were moments where she let her guard down, but this definitely did not have the hot and heavy romance we got from Ella and Reed. With Easton's reputation, this surprised me, but because Hartley had a fierce, more focused and serious personality, the lack of heat made sense. Hartley isn't one to lose control and she very rarely did in this book. 

Can we talk about that ending?!? Because that cliff-hanger killed me, as well as that secret that was thrown in there. I was kind of guessing the secret about halfway through the book, but it still killed me when it came to light. I gasped out loud when the ending happened and am SO MAD I have to wait until January to figure out what's going to happen next. So much drama, angst, and emotion! I love Easton more than ever and just want to fix all of his broken pieces. This was everything I wanted and more in the next Royals book and I already can't wait for more!

1 comment:

  1. Gah! Cliff hangers! Gotta love them but you hate them at the same time.
