
Saturday, June 17, 2017

Stacking the Shelves (248)


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what books they got throughout the week!

From Book Outlet

I have had books in my cart on Book Outlet for weeks and finally decided to order them! I am so excited for all of these and can't wait to read them! And they were all on sale for fantastic prices! I think I'm most excited for My Lady Jane and Remembrance, but I'm excited to have them all to add to my shelves now! 

From Book Depository

I'm meeting Mariana Zapata at an author signing in August, so I really wanted to start collecting her books for when I meet her. I loved The Wall of Winnipeg and Me and can't wait to read Kulti

From Publisher

I am so excited for the books that arrived for me from publishers this week. Going Dark and My Not So Perfect Life were complete surprises and I was shocked when I opened those packages. I cannot wait to read all of these! 

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. REMBRANCE!!! I could not wait to read that one! I think I actually got approved for it with Edelweiss back then which was a miracle since I ADORE The Mediator series sooooo much!! It was a savior of mine as a teen when I was looking for Paranormal YA in a Paranormal YA-less world! Lol! It's truly an awesome read! Hope you'll enjoy it!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Book Outlet always has great sales and it looks like you got some great books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Great haul this week. I'm planning on listening to the audiobook of My Lady Jane soon so I hope we both love it.
    Have a lovely week.
    Here is my STS 

  4. Great haul! I really want to read the Sophie Kinsella one! I actually recently purchased a couple of e-books on your recommendation! Two Penelope Douglas books and one by Lenora Bell. Have a great week and happy reading!
