
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Book Review: Ink and Lies by SL Jennings

Ink and Lies
By SL Jennings
Release Date: February 9, 2016
Source: Amazon
From International Best Selling Romance Novelist, Hope Hughes, comes a gripping, heartfelt tale of two lovers, fighting for the freedom to…

No. Scratch that. Too cheesy.

…two people, torn apart by the tumultuous tides of life, only to discover refuge in…

WTF? What does that even mean? DELETE.

…two people, confused as shit as to where they should be and who they should love and none of this means a damn thing because it’s all lies!
I’m not Hope Hughes. I’m not some fierce woman romance machine. Hell, I’m not even a woman. 
I’m a liar. 
And while I refuse to believe my own BS, deceit masked in heartfelt phrases of love and devotion, I want to make herbelieve them. Because maybe—just maybe—if she can find the soul within my words, she’ll also be able to find the truth scribbled on my heart. 
You see, I once lived for the perfect plot twist.
I just never expected to actually live it.
This is my story. Well, maybe her story. I just wish I could make it our story.
The one I’m still writing.

Ever since I saw Carol from The Reading Wallflower rave about this book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I mean, a book about a writer? That had me written all over it!

Rhys is a serious writer. Well, at least he wants to be. For now, he's writing romance novels under the pen name of Hope Hughes while living the life of a single bachelor. Rhys doesn't believe in love, but his love sells, so he writes what the hopeless romantics want. Now, though, he's hit a block and he can't write anything he actually likes. The one constant in his life, his best friend Fiona, believes in the love that Rhys calls a lie and has been searching for it her whole life. She's always been there for Rhys through his ups and downs. Until she isn't. And Rhys has to reevaluate the love he's called a lie his whole life. 

If you're a fan of books about writers and people who love books, you're going to love this book. I loved watching Rhys write and being inside his head as he wrote out different scenes from his romance novels. And his best friend, Fiona, is a book lover who, as Rhys stated, is a hopeless romantic searching for her perfect book boyfriend. While I wasn't sure how I would like reading from the point of view of the male character, I loved reading from Rhys's perspective and I still fell in love with Fiona. While the best-friend-to-more plot line is used over and over again, Ink and Lies gave it such a fresh twist and I loved it. Parts of this book reminded me of Made of Honor, one of my favorite movies ever. There were super emotional moments, but there were also hilarious moments that had me laughing out loud. 

What I also loved about this book was how unique the plot was. I had no idea what was going to happen and I never knew how characters were going to act. This was definitely not a super easy HEA and that made me so happy. No one made the obvious decision that is cliche in many other romance novels. There were real arguments that weren't thrown in for the sake of plot and everything was just so addicting. I honestly could not stop reading and still don't know what to think of that ending. Seriously, the best and most unique romance I've read in a long time!

I would say that fans of Colleen Hoover would definitely love Ink and Lies. The characters are flawed and make some big mistakes, but that just proves how human they really are. I cannot recommend this book enough!

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