
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Book Review: Wait For You by J Lynn

Wait for You (Wait for You #1)
By J Lynn 
Release Date: February 26, 2013
Source: Barnes and Noble
Some things are worth waiting for…

Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.

Some things are worth experiencing…

Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.

Some things should never be kept quiet…

But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she’s has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

And some things are worth fighting for…

THAT'S RIGHT. I FINALLY READ THIS BOOK. Seeing as it's no secret that I love everything in the New Adult genre, I can't believe it took me four years to read this book. FOUR YEARS. It has been sitting on my shelves for probably two years and with the insistence of my followers, I finally picked it up! 

Avery Morganstern knew exactly what she wanted from a college when she picked it: Somewhere far from home. One night five years ago completely changed her life and she needs to go somewhere where no one can judge her for her past. She just wants to start over, make some friends, and pass her classes. Cameron Hamilton, though, was definitely not in those plans. Cam is fun and playful and makes Avery forget about the pain of her past, but when threatening emails and texts start showing up, Avery isn't so sure she's escaped her past or if she could ever open up enough to let Cam in. 

Oh, Cam. What a cutie! I am so serious, Cam was so adorable and patient with Avery that he had me sighing with every page. While he started out as the stereotypical player who got around, he wasn't as annoying as the typical character of that trope is. I loved how Cam didn't let Avery's shyness push him away and he made her feel comfortable after feeling so closed off for the past five years. And the more shirtless Cam was, the more I fell for him. Who wouldn't want a shirtless Cam around all the time?!

What I think I loved most about this book, though, was how it wasn't insta-lovey. Sure Cam instantly liked Avery and Avery couldn't deny how attractive Cam was, but Avery didn't fall all over him right away. I mean, the guy asked her out for TWO MONTHS before she even considered going on a date with him. And Avery had a really rough past that I think Jennifer Armentrout portrayed very realistically and carefully. Avery was just trying to be a normal person who could go out and have fun with friends without cringing every moment someone got too close to her. You really got to see Avery grow throughout this book thanks to Cam, which I absolutely loved. 

While my review makes this book seem all sunshine and roses, there were some rough patches for our main couple, which I felt made their relationship that much more realistic. I fell in love with both Cam and Avery and every other character in this book. I cannot wait to pick up the rest of this series (all of which I own) and get back into this amazing NA world!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny you are reading this book. I have a similar book that I am reading that I have neglected for so long. Life you know! So many books, so little time.
