
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Book Review: Die For You by Amy Fellner Dominy

Die For You
By Amy Fellner Dominy 
Release Date: November 8, 2016
Source: Publisher
Theirs was the perfect love story.

After Emma Lorde’s parents’ divorce forces her to move halfway across the state of Arizona to live with her father, Emma must face her senior year in a new school knowing absolutely no one. 

Then she meets Dillon Hobbs, and something just clicks.

Dillon introduces Emma to friends she can call her own. He provides a refuge from the chaos of her past, and the security of a commitment that he promises will last forever. And because circumstances of her messy life forced Emma to put aside her dream of pursuing archaeology, Dillon creates a blueprint for a future together.

He saves her, over and over, by loving her more than she thought anyone ever would.

But just when everything seems picture-perfect, Emma is offered an opportunity that will upend the future they’ve planned. Uncertainty grows, and fear spirals into something darker.

Now Dillon is the one who needs saving.

But how much do you sacrifice for the one you love? What if saving Dillon means losing herself?

I haven't been reading a lot of YA lately, but this one definitely caught my eye. The cover is so pretty and it sounded like an emotional read that I wouldn't forget. 

When both of their lives were crashing down, Dillon and Emma found strength and comfort from each other. They fell in love deeply and quickly and have spent the past year falling even more in love. They know that once they graduate high school, they'll both go to ASU, live in the same dorms, and stay madly in love. But when Emma is offered an opportunity that could ruin all of those plans, Dillon shows a side of himself Emma has never seen and learns exactly how much she's willing to give of herself for their relationship. 

Wow, so I had no idea this book would be so…emotional? Heartbreaking? Frustrating? Realistic? So many different feelings while I was reading! Emma and Dillon are only 18 year olds in high school yet they are so consumed with their love for each other. What I loved about this book, which another review on Goodreads had pointed out, was that we get to meet these characters already madly in love. These two met when Emma was in a rough spot in her life and she felt an inexplicable draw to Dillon. She had spent a whole year falling for him and they really thought they were the real deal. Their relationship was realistic and I understood why Emma was in a tough spot. She loved Dillon but also wanted to go off and experience something else she loved after high school. While the answer may seem obvious to me as an outside to their relationship (put yourself first, girl!), I understood her love for Dillon and need to protect/save him. 

On to the emotional side, this was a very interesting look at what happens when a relationship turns very dangerous very fast. These two loved each other, but they were so attached that they couldn't seem to function without one another. This really looked at what it's like for a relationship to change because of how people change over time and how a couple's priorities might not just match up. I really felt connected with Emma and how she really had no idea how to deal with the situation she found herself in. I am going to say, though, that I would recommend this for older YA readers because of the mature content. 

Overall, Die For You was emotional and dug deep into the unhealthy, dark places teenage relationships can fall into. What looks like love isn't always real love and it's hard as a teenager to know what's right and what's wrong when it comes to that love. I am definitely glad I picked this book up!

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