
Friday, February 10, 2017

Book Review: A Thousand Letters by Staci Hart

A Thousand Letters 
By Staci Hart
Release Date: February 9, 2017
Source: Publisher
Sometimes your life is split by a single decision. 

I’ve spent every day of the last seven years regretting mine: he left, and I didn’t follow. A thousand letters went unanswered, my words like petals in the wind, spinning away into nothing, taking me with them. 

But now he’s back.

I barely recognize the man he’s become, but I can still see a glimmer of the boy who asked me to be his forever, the boy I walked away from when I was young and afraid. 

Maybe if he’d come home under better circumstances, he could speak to me without anger in his voice. Maybe if I’d said yes all those years ago, he’d look at me without the weight of rejection in his eyes. Maybe if things were different, we would have had a chance. 

One regretted decision sent him away. One painful journey brought him back to me. I only wish I could keep him.

I was so excited to read this book. When an e-arc popped up on my kindle, I dropped everything else I was reading and dove right in. I love Jane Austen, so I couldn't wait to read this emotional Austen-inspired romance!

Seven years ago, Elliot and Wade were meant to be. And one night broke everything. Over the next seven years, Elliot wrote Wade hundreds of letters, but she never received an answer, never talked to him again. Until now. With a tragedy plaguing Wade's family, Wade doesn't hesitate to come home, which means coming face to face with the girl who broke his heart. One look at Elliot and Wade can only feel regret and anger, two emotions that aren't helping anyone with what's going on. Can they fix their past mistakes, or have they broken each other to the point of no return? 

Going into this one, I had no idea how emotional it would be. It centers around a devastating family tragedy, so this whole book is very somber and heartbreaking. Maybe I wasn't in the right mind space to read this, but I didn't feel as emotionally invested in this book as other readers seem to have been. I didn't cry in this book and I found myself skimming through many parts. What I found hard to connect with was the language. Staci Hart is a very pretty writer, so she writes things in a very lyrical way, which got old to me after awhile. There were tons of metaphors and imagery and similes and I didn't care for it. 

Not only was the language hard for me to connect to, but I also felt like the pacing was a little weird in this book. I didn't really love the romance as much as I wanted to and some moments were rushed while others dragged on. And I felt like Elliot's family was way too over the top just to act as a specific trope for the plot line. Elliot needed a reason to continue with her life and I felt like no one would have a family that horrible and would blindly follow along with it as Elliot had. Her family was just a huge turn off for me and I didn't enjoy them. 

Overall, this one was a miss for me. It had so much potential and I get why people were so emotionally invested in the characters, but for me it was hard to connect with and I didn't really like Elliot's character. While this one was a miss for me, it was still a touching story about love, loss, and a second chance at love.

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