
Monday, December 26, 2016

Book Review: On Broken Wings by Chanel Cleeton

On Broken Wings (Wild Aces #3)
By Chanel Cleeton 
Release Date: January 3, 2017
Source: Publisher 
A year after losing her husband, Joker, the squadron commander of the Wild Aces, Dani Peterson gets an offer from his best friend, Alex “Easy” Rogers, to help fix up her house. Dani accepts, and their friendship grows—along with an undeniable attraction.

Racked by guilt for loving his best friend’s widow, Easy’s caught between what he wants and can’t have. Until one night everything changes, and the woman who’s always held his heart ends up in his arms. Yet as Easy leaves for his next deployment, he and Dani are torn between their feelings and their loyalty to Joker’s memory.

But when Dani discovers something that sends them both into a spin, the conflicted lovers must overcome the past to navigate a future together…

You guys have no idea how long I've waited for this book. Ever since we learned that Easy was in love with Dani in book one, I knew I HAD to read his story. Now that book three is here, we FINALLY get Easy's story and his chance at his own HEA. 

Easy has been in love with Dani ever since he first saw her, but she's always been Joker's. After tragedy struck the Wild Aces, though, Dani is extremely vulnerable and has no idea how to go on with life. All she knows is that Easy is there for her as he's always been and makes life a little bit more bearable. The more he's there for her, though, the more she feels things that she's never felt for Easy before. Both Easy and Dani don't know what to do with what they're feeling, but the guilt they feel towards Joker may outweigh any attraction they hold for one another. 

Going into this one, I knew it was going to be extremely emotional. I mean, hello, Dani's husband is gone and she has to deal with the dilemma of moving on. Like I said, I loved Easy since book one and know that he may come across as cocky and a player, but he's such a sweetie on the inside. The amount of compassion he holds for Dani is just so heartbreaking and he would be there for her even if he had no chance of any romantic relationship. 

What I loved about this book was the fact that Dani wasn't even attracted to Easy when this novel started. She was perfectly happy being married to Joker and thought he was it for her. When an attraction started to stir for Easy, (because, hello, it's Easy and have you seen those abs??) she was so freaked and had no idea what to do about it. Her hesitancy to start anything with Easy was so understandable and even though you wanted to shake her and yell at her to go be with Easy already, you totally understood why she wasn't ready to move on yet. 

For those of you who have already read the first two books in this series, it's a no brainer that you're going to pick this book up. Easy stole my heart in book one and it broke and healed and swelled during this book. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of reading this series, you must! You will meet some cocky, hot men who will steal your heart on the first page.

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