
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book Review: Heartless by Marissa Meyer

By Marissa Meyer
Release Date: November 8, 2016
Source: ALA
Catherine may be one of the most desired girls in Wonderland and a favorite of the unmarried King, but her interests lie elsewhere. A talented baker, she wants to open a shop and create delectable pastries. But for her mother, such a goal is unthinkable for a woman who could be a queen.

At a royal ball where Cath is expected to receive the King’s marriage proposal, she meets handsome and mysterious Jest. For the first time, she feels the pull of true attraction. At the risk of offending the King and infuriating her parents, she and Jest enter into a secret courtship.

Cath is determined to choose her own destiny. But in a land thriving with magic, madness, and monsters, fate has other plans.

I've only read Cinder by Marissa Meyer and really want to continue on in that series, but I just haven't had the time. When I saw that Marissa was coming out with a Queen of Hearts origin story, I knew that I had to read it right away and dove right in. 

Catherine is the daughter of a marquess and has a grand life set out for her, especially when she starts gaining the attention of the King of Hearts. Catherine doesn't want grand, though, and would rather open a bakery with her best friend. When a new, charming joker appears at one of the King's parties, Cath finds it even harder to accept a life as the King's wife acting as if nothing dangerous or scary was happening in Hearts. Can Cath live the life she wants, full of love and warmth, or is she destined to be the Queen of Hearts?

Starting off, I was definitely intrigued by Cath. I mean, we all know how this book was going to end, but Cath was such a spirited, passionate, lively girl who just wanted to bake and marry for love. How was she going to become the heartless and evil Queen of Hearts? I was surprised, though, by how juvenile this book was. I think it was more on the younger YA side, so I thought Cath acted very young and everything was dealt with in a very…clean way? I don't know how to describe it, but nothing was too graphic, scary, or romantic. I loved Cath's romance with a certain someone and wanted much more of it than we actually got. 

I definitely have to say that the characterization in this book was so on point. Like I said, it was hard to see Cath as a heartless person, but the changes she went through were so realistic and made so much sense based on what she was going through. The change was a quick one that happened only at the end of the novel, but that made sense and you couldn't help but feel helpless as you watched Cath follow her destiny that you knew would happen from the beginning. 

Overall, I really enjoyed Heartless, but I wanted it to be a bit older and a bit edgier. I feel like the story could have been much darker and much more addicting, but instead I got a nice story that gave us a closer look at the Queen of Hearts and how she came to be. I love how Marissa Meyer used the world of Alice in Wonderland and I think any fan of the classic or Marissa Meyer must read this book.

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