
Monday, November 14, 2016

Book Review: The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily 
By Rachel Cohn and David Levithan 
Release Date: October 18, 2016
Source: Publisher
Dash and Lily have had a tough year since readers first watched the couple fall in love. Lily’s beloved grandfather suffered a heart attack, and his difficult road to recovery has taken a major toll on her typically sunny disposition. 
With only twelve days left until Christmas—Lily’s favorite time of the year—Dash, Lily’s brother Langston, and their closest friends take Manhattan by storm to help Lily recapture the holiday magic of New York City in December. 
Told in alternating chapters, The Twelve Days of Dash & Lilyreunites two beloved characters and is bound to be a Christmas favorite, season after season.

When I saw that Dash and Lily were getting their own Christmas book, I was so excited. Dash and Lily's Book of Dares was such a cute book and I couldn't wait to see where Dash and Lily were one year after they got together. 

Dash and Lily are coming up on their one year anniversary and Lily's favorite holiday: Christmas. This year, though, Lily is not in the Christmas spirit after her grandfather had a heart attack and Lily feels the need to be by his side every minute. Dash decides to take things to the extreme to get Lily back into the Christmas spirit and get their relationship back to where it was before it's too late. 

Like I said, I was super excited for this book. I adored Dash and Lily as they made their way around New York City in the last book. This book, though, lacked the whimsical, adorable factor the first book did. While this one was just over 200 pages, I could not finish this book for so long because I just wasn't interested in the story. Lily was having a hard time dealing with her grandfather's health and her family making plans she wasn't sure she was ready for. I just didn't like how depressed Lily was and the thing she did throughout this book. Her actions were so un-Lily, which I guess was the point, but I wanted to old Lily back. 

I know that leaving clues was their "thing" in the first book, but Lily and Dash did that two other times in this book without actually showing them following the clues. I kind of wished we had gotten more of that and not just a glossed over version of it. Also, I felt like Lily and Dash's relationship was so juvenile and Lily went out and made some pretty stupid decisions. While they both have parents that are mentioned in this book, both got away with a lot of things normal teens wouldn't be able to do with parents involved in their lives. I don't know, maybe I'm just too old for this book, but I wasn't a fan of the way they acted and got more annoyed than anything with them. 

Overall, this was definitely a disappointment for me. I didn't love Dash and Lily as much as I did in the first book and just didn't care about this book. I ended up skimming the ending just so that I could be done with the book. If you're a fan of Dash and Lily, I would say savor their relationship from the first book and skip over this one. You won't be missing out on anything.

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