
Monday, October 3, 2016

Book Review: My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill

My Unscripted Life
By Lauren Morrill
Release Date: October 11, 2016
Source: Publisher at ALA
Sometimes love stories go off script.

Another sultry Georgia summer is about to get a lot hotter. Dee Wilkie is still licking her wounds after getting rejected by the precollege fine arts program of her dreams. But if she'd gone away, she wouldn't have been around to say yes to an unbelievable opportunity: working on the set of a movie filming in her small Southern town that just happens to be starring Milo Ritter, the famous pop star Dee (along with the rest of the world) has had a crush since eighth grade.

It's not like Dee will be sharing any screen time with Milo—she's just a lowly PA. And Milo is so disappointingly rude that Dee is eager to stay far away from him. Except after a few chance meetings, she begins to wonder if just maybe there's a reason for his offensive attitude, and if there's more to Milo than his good looks and above-it-all Hollywood pedigree. Can a relationship with a guy like Milo ever work out for a girl like Dee? Never say never. . .

This is my third book from Lauren Morrill and she sure knows how to deliver an adorable YA romance that just leaves you feeling good when you close the pages. I was so excited when I saw this was about a girl working on a movie set during a summer that she had thought was going to be utterly miserable, but instead ended up being a summer she would never forget. 

Dee Wilkie still can't believe she was rejected from a fine arts program she was dreaming of. Feeling inadequate and uninspired, Dee has no idea what she's going to do with her summer as her best friend heads off to her own academic summer plans. Being in the right place at the right time, though, causes Dee to accept a position as an assistant on the set of the movie that's shooting in town. The lead? The gorgeous teen musician and heart throb Milo. Dee starts to find herself fantasizing about a relationship with Milo as she spends more time with the guarded star…

I need to start off this review by saying that this book is a very, very fluffy YA romance. It happens to be summer and I just so happened to have finished a very intense, addicting book and needed something exactly like this one. There was no thinking or anxiety over the characters. I love books that deal with movies, so I had so much fun reading about how Dee was working on set and helping out set up scenes and working with the actors. I rarely get to read a book dealing with the behind the scenes of making a movie and I really loved that aspect of this book. 

Going on to the romance, yeah it was a bit predictable, but I still really enjoyed it. Dee's friend kept on telling her that any fantasy of a relationship with Milo was only going to stay a fantasy. I mean, who would ever think a hot teenage rock star would want a normal teenage girl? But Dee soon realized that Milo was just a normal guy and he was guarded due to how people treated him since he was a rock star. He was hurt in his past and that past came back to haunt him on the movie set. It was cute how he learned to trust Dee and how they grew closer together. 

In the end, My Unscripted Life was the fun, fluffy YA romance I needed at the moment. With fun characters, a fun movie-set setting, and an adorable romance, you can't go wrong with Lauren Morrill's newest release.

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