
Monday, September 12, 2016

Book Review: Broken Prince by Erin Watt

Broken Prince (The Royals #2)
By Erin Watt
Release Date: July 25, 2016
Source: Amazon
These Royals will ruin you…

From wharf fights and school brawls to crumbling lives inside glittery mansions, one guy tries to save himself.

Reed Royal has it all—looks, status, money. The girls at his elite prep school line up to date him, the guys want to be him, but Reed never gave a damn about anyone but his family until Ella Harper walked into his life.

What started off as burning resentment and the need to make his father’s new ward suffer turned into something else entirely—keep Ella close. Keep Ella safe. But when one foolish mistake drives her out of Reed’s arms and brings chaos to the Royal household, Reed’s entire world begins to fall apart around him.

Ella doesn’t want him anymore. She says they’ll only destroy each other.

She might be right.

Secrets. Betrayal. Enemies. It’s like nothing Reed has ever dealt with before, and if he’s going to win back his princess, he’ll need to prove himself Royally worthy.

I thought the first book in this series killed me. I mean, that ending? I died. But I had NO IDEA how badly these authors could kill me until I read the ending of Broken Prince. WHERE IS BOOK THREE?!?!?!

Reed Royal has realized just how important Ella Harper is to him. He'll do anything to keep her safe and never let her go. But Ella has decided that they're only tearing each other apart and wants nothing to do with Reed anymore. Reed knows, though, that Ella is wrong and will do anything to show her just how much they need to be together. 

The first thing I loved about this book was that the cliffhanger from book one was explained within the first ten pages of this book. THANK GOODNESS. But what was different about this book was that it started from Reed's point of view and switched between him and Ella for the rest of the book. I'm not sure how I felt about Reed's chapters. They weren't bad, but I think I preferred having the whole book from Ella's point of view like in Paper Princess. We did, though, get a lot more secrets about the Royal brothers and, let me tell you, those guys have some pretty messed up lives. No wonder they're so hard and mean on the outside!

The heartbreaking thing about this book was how Ella and Reed weren't together because of what happened at the end of the first book. Reed was literally doing EVERYTHING to win Ella back and I just to shake her and tell her to forgive him already! I fell in love with Reed even more in this book. There was a lot more drama between Ella and girls at school that I felt was a bit too much, but I just overlooked that and focused on what I really cared about: Ella and the Royals. Easton will always be one of my absolute favorite characters of this series and I've also started to enjoy Gideon, who we get a bit more of. I need like a million more books in this series so that I never have to leave these characters! 

Just like the first book, this one had a killer cliffhanger that has me pining for the third book, which sadly doesn't come out until October. Luckily for those of you who haven't picked up Paper Princess yet, you have plenty of time to gobble these two up before the third book comes out. Because you will absolutely DEVOUR these gorgeous, delicious men and their oh-so-messed up lives. Despite how scarred these boys are, you won't be able to help but fall madly in love with them while cheering on the feisty and strong Ella along the way. So pick these books up. NOW! 

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