
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons I Love Romance

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Four Reasons Why I Love Romances

This week's topic was sort of a freebie…I got to choose what I wanted to gush about and, of course, I chose romance. I have loved romances for as long as I can remember. Seriously, even when I was reading middle grade books, I loved it when there was a little romance. Now, all I read is romance and when there is no romance, even a hint of it, it's hard for me to get into a book. Here are some reasons I LOVE romances…

The Insanely Hot Men
Need I say more? 

The Feels
I know I've read a good book when I become so invested in the main couple that I get angry and happy and sad and every other emotion about the things they go through. The best books are the ones that I will put down and immediately run to tell my sister or text Sarah about because I have so many emotions about it. 

The Happily Ever After
There is no better feeling that watching a couple achieve their happily ever after. Let's face it- we go into romances knowing the ending. OF COURSE THEY'RE ENDING UP TOGETHER (with a few exceptions). And we read romances because we're just addicted to the HEA ending. 

Becoming Attached to a Town/Character Group
Some of my favorite romances are ones that have a whole series of romances with a different character falling in love in each book. I love getting to meet a whole group of characters in book one, and then revisit with all of the characters again as the series moves on. My favorites are when we see the previous couples in the series get married and have kids in the later books. I become so attached to them and love the depth these romances have to offer. 

And those are the reasons why I love romances! Why do you love romances? 


  1. OOh nice!! These are good reasons for my genre as well!! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Seriously, everyone is a sucker for romance. It is quite addicting. Who doesn't want to be swept off their feet??

  3. Oh yes, great pick for this weeks prompt! Love that this prompt means nearly all our posts are about something different. Great topic choice! I do love a good romance, even if I do prefer it in a book of a different genre, not usually strictly a romance novel. I definitely love the hot men ;) And all the feels that these books give you. I am a sucker for a HEA, why wouldn't you be?!?! Who wants a sad ending!?!?! And, yes, I love getting attached to characters, even when I am sad to see them go because of it. You can check my TTT post out here.

  4. I like some romance but not all romance. Just me, probably.

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday: I Love Authors.

  5. The hot men? Heck yeah. I haven't been reading romance a lot lately, but seeing these reasons makes me want to dive in ASAP.

    Check out my blog here here!
