
Monday, June 20, 2016

Book Review: A Midsummer Night's Fling by Eliza Walker

A Midsummer Night's Fling
By Eliza Walker
Release Date: June 20, 2016
Source: Publisher
Goodreads | Amazon
The show must go on, but the price of admission could be her heart.

Sick of her vagabond life in a Broadway touring company, Nicola is ready to settle down. She wants nothing more than to park her suitcase in California, put out feelers for local auditions, and leave her past firmly behind her.

Too bad her past comes knocking on her door her first day home. All six-foot-three, beautiful man of her past named Max. Stupid Max. The mistake Nicola just can’t seem to stop making.

Even before Nicola—fiery, quick-witted, beautiful Nicola—slams the door in his face, Max is in trouble. She will always be the one who got away. Three times. Which makes convincing her to play Titania to his Oberon a bit…awkward.

Though she has zero desire to re-re-rekindle an old flame, Nicola can’t turn down the chance Max is offering: a lead role with the West Coast’s premiere Shakespeare company. But when their first rehearsal kiss disintegrates into a passionate liplock, she’s questioning her sanity and tempted to jump ship—before Max can break her heart again.

Now it’s up to Max to convince her that the torch he’s been carrying is actually an eternal flame.

As an English teacher, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Shakespeare. And on of my favorite Shakespeare plays? A Midsummer Night's Dream! So when I saw that this book was a fun romance based around actors in my beloved play, I was excited to pick it up. 

Nicola is a dedicated actress who is always on the hunt for her next job. The last job she expects to earn, though, is from her ex-boyfriend who comes knocking on her door after not seeing one another for five years. Nicola knows she can't go down that same road with Max that she spent most of her youth on, so when she decides to take the part, she does her best to stay away from Max and his irresistible muscles. Their parts, though, have them partaking in more than one on stage kiss, which threatens to rekindle their old attraction and uncover more pain and pleasure that neither of them really want to relive again. 

If you know and love A Midsummer Nights Dream, then you will absolutely love this story of exes who must play lovers on stage. I love the world of Midsummer and it's so much fun watching Max and Nicola at rehearsals and talking all things Shakespeare. And the moment that they quoted The Princess Bride to one another, I pretty much died. I loved the whole world and acting atmosphere of this story and how their desire to find their breakout job drove their lives and really made it hard to be in any sort of relationship, especially with one another. 

I'm normally not a huge fan of second chance romances, but I found myself really rooting for Nicola and Max to work things out. Max is definitely a changed man from who he was before, but I completely understood why it was hard for Nicola to open her heart to him again. If I gave half stars, this book would definitely be a 4.5 read, but I just couldn't give it the full 5 stars because I felt like the story sort of dragged out as Nicola and Max kept on trying to resist one another and not give into their undeniable attraction for one another. You knew they would get together, you were just waiting for it to happen…

If you're a fan of Shakespeare and performing arts romances, your going to absolutely love A Midsummer Night's Fling. There are not enough romances about actors out there and I just love the whole world of costumes, running lines, blocking scenes, and practicing on-stage kisses that forces a couple to be close to each other when they may be trying to resist one another. There is whimsy and fun in this story, but also some serious moments that give the characters depth and heartache. If you want a great romance, you should definitely check this one out!

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