
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Websites I Love That Aren't About Books

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Websites I Love That Aren't About Books

I have been following this blog for so long and I check it almost everyday. I love all of Kayla's photography and all of the adventures she goes on. She's also from Ohio! It's fun to see how many cool things there are in Ohio that I never knew before. 

I have also been following Mandi for a long, long time. She took a break for awhile, but she finally came back and her blog is better than ever! I love everything she posts about, whether it's lifestyle, organization habits, or makeup. And her photography is gorgeous!

Sally is definitely go-to baking blog whenever I'm in need of a new recipe. I love all of her desserts and pretty much everything I have made from her blog has been amazing. If you haven't yet, you definitely have to check out her blog!

If you like color and DIY projects, then you are going to love A Beautiful Mess. It's run by two sisters and they have taken the blogging world by storm. Seriously, they are very successful and even have their own blogging courses. They have so much amazing content and you can get lost on their blog for hours! 

Another baking blog I am obsessed with is definitely the Brown Eyed Baker. It's crazy how long I've been following her because I remember when she was pregnant and now her son is 16 months old and she's pregnant with baby number 2! It so weird how close you feel to bloggers and you've never actually talked to them…but I love her mix of personal posts and baking posts. It's great to see the person behind the blog every once in awhile!

And those are my favorite non-bookish websites! As you can tell, I don't really visit too many non-book related sites. But the ones I do visit are ones that I have been loving for years now and check out almost every day. Let me know if you have any websites you love! I'd love to add more to my own list and see what else is out there! 

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