
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Childhood Characters I'd Love to Revisit

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Childhood Characters I'd Love to Revisit

1. The Beaudeliare Children from A Series of Unfortunate Events
2. Madison Finn from From the Files of Madison Finn
3. Abby Hayes from The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes

4. Harriet from Harriet the Spy
5. Sophie from The BFG

I read all the time when I was younger, but for some reason these are the only books that really stood out to me. I vividly remember an experience reading each of these books and they just make me smile whenever I see them. These were so good and helped foster my love and obsession for books!


  1. OOh nice ones!! Don't recognize a lot of these though!

    Here's my Teaser

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Great list! I don't think I have read any of these.

    My TTT:

  3. Harriet also made my list. I hope she continued writing. I've never heard of Madison Finn, but that book looks like something I would have LOVED when I was growing up!!

  4. I have Harriet the Spy on my list as well. And a different Roald Dahl character by Sophie is a good pick. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally
