
Thursday, May 5, 2016

BookBuddyAThon TBR

Today, I decided to take part in the BookBuddyAthon with my best book friend Sarah from Words With Sarah! We did this readathon the first time around and could not resist when we saw that it was occurring again for round two! Sarah and I are constantly texting each other about books we're reading and our tastes are so similar that it gets scary at times. Here are the books I have decided to read for the readathon, which takes place from May 7th through May 15th. 

1. Choose three books and get your buddy to pick one from them for you to read.
I asked Sarah to choose between Chasing Spring by RS Grey, Nowhere but Here by Katie McGarry, and November 9 by Colleen Hoover. Sarah and I both share an unhealthy obsession with Colleen Hoover, so she chose November 9 for me to read and I could not be more excited! 

2. Buddy read a book with your buddy. 
Sarah and I both had bought a copy of The Girl in 6E awhile ago and it seems like something we would both love, so we decided to give this one a shot together! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

3. Read a book with your buddy's favorite color on it. 
Sarah told me that her favorite color was a blue/teal color, so I asked her if On the Island would count. She told me that the ocean is her favorite color, so it was perfect! We actually were between this one and The Girl in 6E for our buddy read, so when we didn't go with this one, I thought it'd be perfect to do for this topic! 

4. Read a book that's title starts with the first letter of your buddy's name. 
Sarah's name starts with an "s" and unlike my name (sorry, Sarah, for making it difficult for you!), lots of books start with the letter "s"! I finally settled on The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. I've heard that this book is amazing, so I'm definitely excited to read it! 

5. Read a book that you want to…just because. 
Since this readathon is going to take place during a school week for me, I'm not so sure I can get through five books. BUT, if I do miraculously find a lot of time to read, then this book will definitely be the last book I'd read for this readathon. I'm excited to read an Air Force romance and I hope it's as good as the cover looks!

And those are the books I am reading for the BookBuddyReadAthon. Wish me luck! 

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