
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Review: The Girl in 6E by AR Torre

The Girl in 6E (Deanna Madden #1)
by AR Torre
Release Date: January 21, 2014
Source: Bought 
I haven't touched a human in three years. That seems like it would be a difficult task, but it's not. Not anymore, thanks to the internet.

I am, quite possibly, the most popular recluse ever. Not many shut-ins have a 200-member fan club, a bank account in the seven-figure range, and hundreds of men lining up to pay for undivided attention.

They get satisfaction, I get a distraction. Their secret desires are nothing compared to why I hide... my lust for blood, my love of death.

Taking their money is easy. Keeping all these secrets... one is bound to escape.

What if you hid yourself away because all you could think of was killing? And what if one girl's life depending on you venturing into society?

The very idea of this book has intrigued me ever since I heard about it on Padfootandprongs07's youtube channel. I was in the mood for a change in genre and I am so happy I finally picked this book up! 

Deanna, or Jessica as she's known online, has a desire and dream to kill, a desire so strong that she's decided to lock herself away and never face a human being again. If she's in the same place as any person, she doesn't know if she'll be able to resist her urge to kill. Locked up in her apartment, Deanna works as a cam girl, making thousands of dollars a day. Deanna is content with her arrangement until she discovers that one of her customers may be planning a crime so horrific, Deanna has to figure out if she can fight her killer instincts to protect a girl from a sick and twisted man. 

Oh man, from page one of this book I was hooked. Since Deanna works as a cam girl, there are some very sexual scenes described, so make sure you are comfortable with that going in. AR Torre does a fantastic job exploring the intricacies and business of the cam girl industry. It was so interesting reading about how Deanna had her whole studio set up and how good she got at it. But the mystery and thrill behind this book are exactly what I was expecting and failed to receive in Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. In this book, Deanna's mind is very twisted and I loved how we got almost the entire book from her mind. Then, the flashbacks were done at a very appropriate pace so that we weren't tortured too much but instead were kept on the edge of our seats, begging to know what had actually happened in Deanna's past and how she became how she is now. 

You know what else I loved about this book? There was a hint of romance! I don't want to give away who it was with, but I was loving that romance and Deanna's absolute fear of feeling anything for a man who she would probably want to kill. Her relationships with people were very unconventional, but I loved them nonetheless. She has two different therapists and their conversations were always entertaining. Then, every in person encounter had me freaking out because Deanna could only think about every way she could kill them and see the life leave their eyes...

In the end, this book was so intriguing, thrilling, and just entertaining. Deanna's mind was crazy and twisted and I loved every second of being in it. I am already scouting out where I can get book #2 from this series so that I can see what adventures Deanna goes on next. If you're at all interested in this book, you HAVE to pick it up!

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