
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blog Tour: A Totally Awkward Love Story by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

A Totally Awkward Love Story
By Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison
Release Date: May 3, 2016
The summer before college, Hannah swears she’s finally going to find The One. And for five perfect minutes, Hannah does find him. He’s cute and makes her laugh like crazy. She just wishes she’d caught his name, because Toilet Boy Cinderella really lacks sex appeal.
For Sam, the summer is off to a bad start for a million reasons. But for five minutes his luck changes: in a fancy restroom painted purple like it belongs in a Bond villain hideaway, Sam falls head over heels for some strange and hilarious girl. Of course, he doesn’t know her name. With his luck, he’ll never see her again, and he’ll remain a girlfriendless, moony-eyed virgin. Forever. 
But another chance meeting brings them together, only to have a chance misunderstanding drive them apart . . . and then the cycle starts all over again. Madcap mishaps, raunchy hilarity, and deep romance follow these two wherever they go. For two people so clearly destined for each other, they sure have a hell of a lot of trouble even getting together.

Check Out the Book

Mid-Read Review
I'm about halfway through this book right now and it is so fun! I love the friendships in this book and how real and, well, awkward the characters are. These characters reveal so much that everyone thinks but never admits out loud and I love it! I can't wait to finish this one! 

1 comment:

  1. I like stories about friendship and awkward characters so this is right up my alley. The cover is pretty cute too. Thanks for sharing :)
