
Friday, March 11, 2016

Book Review: The Smell of Other People's Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock

The Smell of Other People's Houses
By Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
Release Date: February 23, 2016
Source: Publisher
In Alaska, 1970, being a teenager here isn’t like being a teenager anywhere else. This deeply moving and authentic debut is for fans of Rainbow Rowell, Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie, and Benjamin Alire Saenz. Intertwining stories of love, tragedy, wild luck, and salvation on the edge of America’s Last Frontier introduce a writer of rare talent.
Ruth has a secret that she can’t hide forever. Dora wonders if she can ever truly escape where she comes from, even when good luck strikes. Alyce is trying to reconcile her desire to dance, with the life she’s always known on her family’s fishing boat. Hank and his brothers decide it’s safer to run away than to stay home—until one of them ends up in terrible danger.
Four very different lives are about to become entangled. This unforgettable book is about people who try to save each other—and how sometimes, when they least expect it, they succeed. 

When I first saw this book, I didn't know what to think. I mean, the cover is gorgeous, but what the heck was this book going to be about? All I knew was that it took place in Alaska and I couldn't wait to see what story was inside. 

In Alaska during the 1970s, life is quite difficult, especially as a teenager. Four very different teens lead four very different lives, but they have much more in common than they could ever imagine. 

Starting off, I found it hard to figure out who was who and whose story was currently being told. I just got to know one character and then had to forget about them and go to a totally new character. I kept on having to flip back chapters and remind myself who was who, but after I got used to the characters, I loved how their stories started to intertwine. 

These characters were all so unique and had completely different situations that they were in. I don't think I've ever read a book that took place in Alaska, so it was interesting to see how they lived. Since this book was so short (a little over 200 pages), I was left wanting to know more about these characters and wishing that I had the chance to get a little closer to them. Especially because this was told in alternating viewpoints for each chapter, I would have liked more time with each character to fully immerse myself in their stories. 

The cover of this book beautifully reflects the charming, adorable story inside. Four teens who are unique but similar learn hard lessons that teens shouldn't have to learn so young. This definitely opened my eyes to a different kind of lifestyle and to how much you really don't know about a person just by looking at them. If you're looking for a heartwarming historical story from a place that isn't written about enough, you should pick up The Smell of Other People's Houses.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I loved this book. I agree on the writing and the characters. I also had a hard time remembering who was narrating each chapter. I think because there was so much intertwining pf the characters lives. But still a great read.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally
