
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Book Review: Never Never: Part Three by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Never Never (Part Three)
By Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
Release Date: January 19, 2016
Source: Amazon
Together, Silas Nash and Charlize Wynwood must look deeper into the past to find out who they were and who they want to be. With time ticking down, the couple are in a race to find the answers they need before they lose everything. Can they regain what they once had? And will it restore who they once were?

This series of installments completely pulled me in and I could not put them down until I had read every last page! After reading Part 1 right when it came out, I didn't pick up the next two until this past weekend and I flew through them both on the same day. 

As time starts running out, Charlie and Silas have to figure out why they keep on forgetting one another and who they were before their memories disappeared. Are they really meant to be? 

Wow, I can't believe this is over! My eyes were glued to my iPad until I finished the last page. Watching Charlie and Silas was just…..*sigh*. I don't want to give anything away, but I loved the romance and the progression of their relationship in this final installment. The reason that I only gave this one four stars, though, is because I think that too much was left unanswered. I get why everything was happening and I actually liked that explanation and thought it was perfect for them, but there were some elements and details that happened that still make no sense. We needed just a little bit more! 

Overall, I loved these books. They were engaging, heart-wrenching, and romantic. These characters have seriously stressful lives and I just wanted them to be happy and together! Every Colleen Hoover fan needs to read these (seeing as I haven't read anything of Tarryn's, I can't compare to her past books) and definitely read them all at once or else you'll be left begging for more!

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