
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday (228)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

The Last Time We Were Us
By Leah Konen
Release Date: May 10, 2106
A passionate summer love story about a girl, her childhood best friend recently released from juvie, and the small-town lies that have kept them apart. A teen romance debut with a dark edge.

Liz Grant is about to have the summer of her life. She and her friend MacKenzie are getting invited to all the best parties, and with any luck, Innis Taylor, the most gorgeous guy in Bonneville, will be her boyfriend before the Fourth of July. 

Local teen convict released early.

Jason Sullivan wasn’t supposed to come back from juvie. A million years ago, he was her best friend, but that was before he ditched her for a different crowd. Before he attacked Innis’s older brother, leaving Skip’s face burned and their town in shock. 

“Everything is not what you think.”

Liz always found it hard to believe what they said about Jason, but all of Bonneville thinks he’s dangerous. If word gets out she’s seeing him, she could lose everything. But what if there’s more to that horrible night than she knows? And how many more people will get hurt when the truth finally comes out?

“You’re the one person who believes in me.”

Leah Konen’s southern romance swelters with passion as it explores the devastating crush of lies, the delicate balance of power and perception, and one girl’s journey to find herself while uncovering the secrets of so many others.


Whew, that is one long summary for a book! Haha, but seriously, once I saw this cover, I instantly added it to my TBR list. Oh, and it's described as a "passionate summer love story." That has me written all over it! I love how Liz and Jason used to be best friends and now Jason was just released from juvieit's definitelygoing to be a juicy story! Can't wait! 


  1. Nice pick! Not my kind of read but I still hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I always feel like reading more contemporary in the summer. I will definitely be picking this up in the warmer months. Great pick!

  3. This isn't something I would pick up but I hope you like it!!

  4. Aww this sounds kind of cute, I might have to check it out.

    My WoW

  5. I've seen this one around. It looks good! Good pick!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  6. Will definitely have to check this one out! Feel free to check out my WoW.
