
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Stacking the Shelves (182)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what books they got throughout the week!

For Review

A few lovely books arrived in the mail for me this week and I am definitely excited for them all! Can you believe that there's a new Rachel Caine book?!?! It's a collection of short stories that take place in Morganville and I couldn't be more excited! 

From Amazon

I had an Amazon gift card, so I got myself some goodies! My sister has read the first two books that I own in the Throne of Glass series, so I decided to buy Heir of Fire and she ordered Queen of Shadows. Now I definitely have to read that series! 

From Half Price Books

Half Price Books had 20% off your purchase this past weekend, so I couldn't resist! I picked up these three and I am so excited! I've only read Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles series, so I decided that I needed to read more of the series and picked up Scarlet. I own so many books from the Outlander series, but I didn't have Voyager yet, so I picked that one up, too. Lastly, I saw Keeping the Moon for only a dollar and since this is one of my favorite Sarah Dessen novels, I couldn't resist! 


  1. Beautiful haul! I have Heir of Fire but haven't read it yet and I don't have QoS yet. Scarlet is amazing!

  2. Awesome books! I love the Throne of Glass series and I just read Scarlet--very good! I hope you enjoy all your books!

  3. Ooh nice!! I love going to HPB! I STILL need to check out our newest store! It opened in December! I am SO behind!! Hope you enjoy the lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Nice haul! I really need to pick up Queen of Shadows myself. I've only read Cinder also, but I have the others on my shelf. Happy reading!
    My STS

  5. Great haul this week, you have a lot of great looking books. Yes!!! You definitely do need to start the Throne of Glass series. Some struggle with book one, but continue on as the next book is incredible ;) I hope you enjoy them all :) Here's my STS.

  6. WHERE DO I BEGIN?! We should totally buddy read The Girl in 6E! For the month of March you need to start Sarah J Maas's books. Pretty please? You'll love her books (I do think you'll love ACOTAR more, but only by a hair)!!! Racing the Sun will make you want to travel, but then again, when doesn't a Karina Halle book do that? I just got Outland and am pretty darn excited to start the series. YAY for Scarlet! I used to own Keeping the Moon but I have absolutely ZERO idea on what happened to it...Jessica your week was full of book awesome!!

  7. I bought The Girl in 6E for my kindle some time ago and actually picked up the first Sarah J Maas book over Christmas. Great haul.

  8. I haven't yet read the Throne of Glass series but I've heard such good things! I got the first book for my birthday last week so I'll definitely be reading that soon! :D

    Enjoy your new books! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My Book Haul!
