
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions I have for 2016

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Resolutions I Have for 2016

1. Read more for me
In 2015, I was reading too many books that I just wasn't into. I don't know why or how this happened, but I realized during December that I was finally reading books I wanted to read and I had one of my best reading months. The previous months, I was reading books that were just okay and wasn't into reading as much as I used to be. I got back into the groove in December and was obsessed with my reading again and I want that feeling to stay in 2016!

2. Read 100 books
Since I now have a full-time job, I can't read over 170 books a year anymore. I managed to read 100 books in 2015 and hope to keep this same amount for 2016!

3. Don't forget about contemporary YA books
YA Contemporaries have been my favorite since I was in middle school, but as my reading tastes have expanded to include new adult and adult books, I have not been reading nearly as many YA books as I used to. This year, I want to read at least one YA contemporary a month so that I can keep up with what's new in the genre and remember why I used to love it so much! 

4. Try to buy less books and read more of what is on my shelves
I have a lot of books. Yet, for some reason, I keep on buying more and more to the point where I'm double stacking on my shelves. This year, I am making an effort to try to buy less books on a whim and read more of what has been sitting on my shelves for over a year. I own so many fantastic books that I have not read yet, so I hope I can find the time to read those this year. 

5. Focus on my successes and not let the success of others get to me
As a blogger, it's easy to become jealous of what other bloggers achieve. I see a book I'm pining for in someone's Instagram photo or publishers tell me that all of the galleys they have for an ARC are already given out. When I started blogging in 2011, the community was still growing. Today, there are so many amazing blogs, bookstagrams, and booktubes that the competition is fierce. I don't want to think about it as a competition, but the process is becoming very selective for who gets what books early or even at all. I want to keep my experience on all platforms very positive and not feel jealous of other people when I see them achieving what I have yet to achieve. I want to admire people for what they do and feel proud of myself for what I have managed to accomplish. 2016 is going to be a year of positives for me. 

Those are my goals for 2016! What are your goals this year? 


  1. OOoh nice ones! I defintiely like these!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Good luck with all of your goals!! The reason I VERY rarely accept review copies is because of your goal number 1. I have so many books I want to read that I hate feeling like I HAVE to read something.

    My TTT:

  3. Reading more for you is a great goal. I have a similar resolution because I also realized at the end of the year that I was forcing myself to read books I wasn't really into and not reading those I wanted to because I wasn't reading for me. Good luck!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  4. We have very similar goals. Reading for me is on my list as well. I get so caught up in reading because I need to put review posts out that I forget about what I truly want to read. So that's stopping this year. Good luck to you on achieving all your goals! Happy 2016!

    My TTT

  5. I was forcing myself to read review books in 2014 and it led to a major reading slump, so like you, I vowed to read for me in 2015 and I did! It felt amazing too so I hope you'll be successful there^^ I also want to read the books I own already this year instead of always buying more. Good luck with all your resolutions and happy 2016!

  6. You have some great goals, I hope you achieve them all in 2016!
    My TTT:

  7. Wonderful list and reasons :)
    I want to try to buy less and read more of what i have already as well :) I wish you the best of luck to do what you want to do

    My TTT:
