
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (156)

Scorched (Frigid #2)
By Jennifer L Armentrout 
Release Date: June 16, 2015
Source: Amazon
Sometimes life leaves a mark…

Most days, Andrea doesn’t know whether she wants to kiss Tanner or punch him in the gut. He is seriously hot, with legit bedroom eyes and that firefighter body of his, but he’s a major player, and they can’t get along for more than a handful of minutes. Until now.

Tanner knows he and Andrea have had an epic love/hate relationship for as long as he can remember, but he wants more love than hate from her. He wants her. Now. Tomorrow. But the more he gets to know her, the more it becomes obvious that Andrea has a problem. She’s teetering on the edge and every time he tries to catch her, she slips through his fingers.

Andrea’s life is spiraling out of control, and it doesn’t matter that Tanner wants to save her, because when everything falls apart and she’s speeding toward rock bottom, only she can save herself.

Sometimes life makes you work for that happily ever after…

It's no secret that I am obsessed with everything that Jennifer Armentrout has written, so I couldn't wait to read Scorched. While I haven't read Frigid, the first book in this series, I knew that I had to read this one after my friend Sarah from Words With Sarah raved about it!

Andrea and Tanner have a very interesting relationship. They bicker any time that they're together, but Andrea can't help the attraction she feels for Tanner whenever she's around him. Tanner is hot and he knows it, but his days as a player are over. He's attracted to Andrea in ways he's never been attracted to anyone before, but he isn't so sure if Andrea is ready for a full on relationship, especially when they fall back into their old bickering ways and say things to each other they don't really mean. Andrea's life is spiraling out of control and she tries to tell herself that she's fine. Tanner wants Andrea to face her faults, but can she before it's to late? 

This is JLA. So it shouldn't surprise me that I wanted this book to be longer. The main reason that this is a four star read and not a five star read for me is because I NEEDED it to be longer. Most of the book takes place when Tanner and Andrea go to a cabin with Andrea's best friend and best friend's boyfriend (the couple from Frigid). Their relationship seriously heats up at the cabin and then very little is spent on the aftermath and what happens when Tanner and Andrea are recovering from feelings discovered there. While I loved their time at the cabin and how Tanner and Andrea pushed the boundaries of their relationship, I wanted a bit more of the before and a bit more of the after. 

The cabin, though, was HOT. I loved how Andrea and Tanner seriously didn't know how to act around each other when they did cross that friendship/enemy line. They were so used to bickering and pointing out each other's faults just to get a reaction out of each other that they didn't know how to be friends. But when they were friends, it was hard when they still wanted to help each other, specifically when Tanner wanted to help Andrea pull herself together and face some serious problems she had. It was so heartbreaking how Andrea would push Tanner away when he tried to help her instead of continuing to bicker with her and ignore her bigger problems. You wanted them to be together so badly because you saw how much Tanner truly cared about Andrea, but it was up to Andrea to face her faults and her fears and try to finally fix herself. But facing the truth was definitely a hard thing for Andrea to do. 

Scorched had everything: the romance, the chemistry, the emotion, and the gut wrenching realities of life. There are some light and fun moments, but there are also some seriously emotional moments that make you just want to jump in the book and knock some sense into the characters. Any book that makes me that emotionally invested in the characters is a must read for me. Needless to say, this is another JLA book that knocked it out of the park.

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what books they got throughout the week!

From Publisher
Lots of goodies for me this week! Since it is the beginning of the month, I have gotten a lot of books that are coming out either later this month or in September. I am definitely excited for all of these titles and can't wait to read them!

From Amazon

I had an Amazon gift card and went ahead and got Crown of Midnight, the second book in the Throne of Glass series. It's hardback to match my Throne of Glass hardback and they look so beautiful together! I haven't read them yet, but I definitely plan on to soon. I've heard the best things about this series, so I hope they live up to the hype! 

From Family/Friends

My birthday was exactly one week ago and I got so may books from my family and friends! I had a great day and felt so so so loved by everyone. Thank you so much for the gifts! The first picture is from my super awesome friend Sarah. She knows me so well! I can't wait to read what she got me (of course, JLA!!). My parents got me the things in the 2nd picture. I had given my mom a wish list and she actually surprised my by getting me three books from my Goodreads Wishlist instead and I couldn't be more excited! Thanks mom!! My brother got me Scoring Wilder which was on my original birthday wish list because it was about soccer, which he loves. I was shocked by all of the books I got and cannot thank everyone enough! 

From my OTSP Secret Sister
This round for OTSP Secret Sister started on my birthday and my secret sister sent me my August gift ASAP and it couldn't be more adorable! I LOVED Bad Romeo and can't believe she sent me Broken Juliet. Since I just named my dog Darcy after Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, the tote bag she got me couldn't me any more perfect. and then the copy of Austenland is amazing as well! I couldn't be more excited for this round and thank you so much to my secret sister!

That's everything for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. Happy late birthday! My birthday is in August too! It's on the 11th! You have such an amazing haul this week, and your sister is AMAZING! :D

    Christy @ Novel Ink

  2. Whoa! Very nice! Hope you had a fabulous birthday! Looks like you got plenty of awesome reads! I really enjoyed Reawakened! The bad part about reading it early is having to wait looooonger for the sequel and I would like my sequel now! Or a week or so ago! LOL!

    I know a TON of people who have enjoyed the ToG series, but sadly it just wasn't for me. I think the hype of it all put too much pressure or gave me such high expectations and in the end, I was just meh. Though I did looooove Sarah's A Court of Thorns and Roses! So I'm still a fan of the author! :D

    Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. SO MANY AMAZING BOOKS! I can't wait to hear what you think of them, especially The Deal and Scoring Wilder, and of course The Fill-In Boyfriend and Stay with Me. And basically all of them lol AND GET ON THE SJMAAS TRAIN! I don't even care which series you read first. ACOTAR or TOG just read one at lease :D

  4. I'm currently reading Reawakened and it's amazing so far!! I was so excited when the publisher sent it to me. And you need to read Throne Of Glass ASAP! It's one of my fave fantasy series ever!!!

    MY STS

    ~Karina @ A Reader Under The Sea

  5. Your OOTP Secret Sister made your birthday really special. You got some great books. Read Throne of Glass immediately. It's really a great series.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. Happy belated birthday!

    The Throne of Glass series is awesome. Book three is sitting on the top of my tbr pile right now.

    Nice haul! Happy Reading!!

  7. Reawakened sounds incredible. I don't know if it's my kind of read, but I have heard excellent things about it! I've been wanting to check out The Fill-in Boyfriend.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  8. I'm enjoying Sarah J. Maas' books more as I read through the series, so I do recommend sticking with them even if you're not 100% on board with the first book! She wrote it when she was 16 after all.

    My haul.

  9. Great haul! I just started reading the Throne of Glass series. I am on book two and picked up the third book last night. I am looking forward to finishing the series. I hope you enjoy Crown of Midnight, and the rest of the books you got!

    Here is my StS

    Justin @ Justin's Book Blog

  10. I LOVE Naked 2! Hope you enjoy it :) Haven't heard of Crosstown Crush but I'm loving the cover.

  11. So many great books! I love Laura Wright and Jennifer L. Armentrout :)

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

  12. The Funko pop is SOOO cute :) Lots of folks are liking Reawakened! Enjoy :)
