
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I've Read so Far in 2015

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Books I've Read so Far in 2015

How is it already halfway through 2015?!? Seriously, this year is going by so fast. And a lot has happened! I completed my long awaited semester of student teaching, graduated from college, got a job, am going to move out of my parent's house, and will be starting my job in August! Needless to say, 2015 has been and will continue to be a memorable year. I haven't been able to read as much as I have in the past years because I've been teaching and not just attending classes as a college student. However, I have read some AMAZING books and those books have made my list of best books I've ever read. They're that good! I actually made a youtube video of my favorite books a couple of weeks ago, so I'll go ahead and include that in this post! But if you just want a quick look, here are the covers and links of my favorite reads of 2015 so far! 

1. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
2. Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven 
3. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

4. Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen 
5. Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross
6. One Tiny Lie by KA Tucker

7. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
8. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey 
9. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 

10. Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher


  1. I just picked up a copy of Never Never when the nook book was free a few weeks ago. I also have two co-workers who have been telling me to read the Outlander series. They seem to think it is the best series ever, so I think I will have to give that one a try as well.

    Congratulations on your graduation/finding a job!!

    Here is my TTT:

  2. YAY! So good to see The Fifth Wave up there! I had been seeing terrible reviews and I wanted to read it, but felt discouraged. This is the second list I've seen it included in this morning, so faith is restored! Great list!
    My TTT.

  3. Outlander is on my list too! So amazing. Have you been watching the show too? And I think that first book on your list is going to be made into a movie soon!

  4. I want to read The Glass Castle and the KA Tucker books are high up on my TBR. They all sound like great reads!

  5. Congratulations on graduating and getting a job Jessica!!! Go you:)

    How sad is it that I haven't read any of the books on this list? Well, I've read most of Outlander but I never made it to the end. I stopped at a place where Claire and Jamie were happy because I knew things were going to get bad for them so I chose to let myself stay in denial:)

  6. Great picks! I still need to read part 2 of Never, Never because Part 1 was not enough! I also really want to read Ready Player One before the sequel comes out! I also finally read Outlander this year and I agree re: its position on this list!!!!!!!!!!!

    My TTT

  7. OOoh nice! Lots of new to me reads! Except for The 5th Wave! I think I finally read that one last year. I'd have to double check. But I loved that one as well! Can't wait for the final book and movie!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Oh, the 5th Wave made my list too because it's beautiful and I love it. I'm SO excited for the movie in January.

    My TTT

  9. I have always wanted to read The Glass Castle. It sounds very interesting and whenever I suggest it at the library it comes back with rave reviews! Happy reading.
    Top 10 @Libby Blog

  10. I really need to read the 5th wave, I'm so far behind that bandwagon but even know I am still hearing great things about it.
    I'm still on the fence about reading One Tiny Lie since I didn't really love Ten Tiny Breaths. Although, I've heard it is much better then the first one but still, I don't know. But I'm glad you liked and congrats for still managing to continuing reading. It sounds like you've had a busy year already =D

    Happy July reading!
    my TTT
