
Monday, May 18, 2015

I'm Officially a College Graduate!

So, I kinda did something huge this past weekend. I graduated from college! Wow. Sitting at home today, it's still hard to believe that I actually graduated from college only 24 hours ago. But I did it! I finished all of my courses, survived student teaching, and managed to graduate magna cum laude. Now with my degree in Integrated English/Language Arts Education, I am able to teach English/Language Arts to grades 7-12.  I couldn't be more excited to start my career in the profession that I absolutely love. 

Looking back at my four years at Miami University, there were many ups and downs, but they all lead to me being the passionate educator I am today. I fell in love with teaching during my semester of student teaching and cannot wait to have a classroom of my own (no, I was not one of those few lucky ducks who actually graduated with a job all lined up...). What I loved most about the semester was not only teaching and watching students grow, but talking about books with my students. Both boys and girls were reading and I was able to connect with them on a whole other level because I was reading the books they loved to read, too. 

While I am majorly stressing about finding a job (what post-grad isn't?) so that I can actually do what I love and make the last four years of my life worth the hard work and dedication, I know I've got to keep my head up and focus on the positive. Thank goodness I have my humongous TBR pile to keep me preoccupied. Now that student teaching and the semester is over, I have TONS of time to catch up on some reading! Summer reading, here I come :) 

I just wanted to say congratulations to all of the grads out there and may your summers be filled with good books, adventures, and some more good books. 


  1. congratulations to you who have graduated College, may you be successful people
    Obat Kanker Otak Alami Tanpa Operasi

  2. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best!

  3. Congrats! Good luck in the future, and may you have the best students ever :)

  4. Congratulations!! That's so awesome!! Good luck with everything in your future! Celebrate!!!

  5. Congratulations on graduating!! That's such a major accomplishment in life =D. I hope you find a job soon and have a wonderful career :D and also have a summer full of wonderful books!

  6. Congrats!!! I hope you have a great time starting a career and that you're successful :D
