
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (140)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Half Price Books
Half Price Books is having their coupon week, so Friday and Saturday you get 40% off your highest priced item. I visited the store yesterday after school and ended up getting these two books! Simple Perfection was actually in the clearance section for only TWO DOLLARS. I've been trying to collect Abbi's books (though I have yet to read one…) so I definitely couldn't pass up on that deal! I was browsing the shelves, trying to find something to use my coupon on, and I found The Knife of Never Letting Go. I have heard great things about Patrick Ness, so I decided to pick it up for myself! These two together ended up being around $5. Not too bad! I definitely planning on going to a different Half Price Books on Sunday with that 50% off coupon. I can't wait!

From the Library
I went the library to pick up Ready Player One for my school's book club and saw Love, Lucy displayed on the shelf in the teen section. Of course, I couldn't resist! I've had my eye on this book way before it came out, so I hope I can squeeze in time to read it! 

That's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. OOh nice! Those are new to me ones! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I wish that Half Price Books would open up in my town! It sounds like you get a lot of awesome deals...

  3. I love Ready Player One, but I grew up in the 80s so that might have something to do with it. Although my teens really like it too. Hope you enjoy all of them. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I love Abbi Glines, but I haven't read that one yet. Enjoy your haul!

  5. I wish that I had a Half Price books where I lived. You got some very excellent books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. Nice haul! Ready Player One sounds really good. I haven't read any Abbi Globes yet, but I hope to soon. Enjoy your books! Happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  7. I really want the chance to visit a Half Price Books! I don't have any around me, but they sounds marvelous. Love, Lucy has been on my TBR for a while, I'm pretty sure I read it's inspired by or is a retelling of Howard Forseter's A Room of One's Own. Have a great week!
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

  8. I love The Knife of Never Letting Go <3 I hope you enjoy all of your new additions. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  9. I got Fall With Me and I'm already reading it!! Hope you enjoy your books :)

    MY STS
    ~Karina @ Watcha Reading

  10. Simple Perfection! I enjoyed that one. I really need to get Love, Lucy sometime soon too. I've wanted to read that one for awhile now.

    Happy reading! Enjoy your new additions!

  11. Awesome haul this week, enjoy your books!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS and our 16 Blogoverary Giveaways!

  12. Great haul! I have only read one book by Abbi Glines. I need to start reading more. I hope you enjoy your books and thank you for stopping by my blog :)

  13. Ooh, nice haul! Bargains are always awesome. I hope you enjoy all your books this week :)

    My StS
    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

  14. Oh I cannot wait to read your review of The Knife of Never Letting Go! I had very mixed feelings about it.

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  15. Great haul! You got two of my all time favorite books this week: The Knife of Never Letting Go & Ready Player One. I hope you enjoy them!!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. All but one (I decided I've given Abbi Glines' books enough tries) of these are also in my TBR list. Enjoy your new books!

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  17. Really nice haul! I enjoyed Love, Lucy and I hope you do too! :D

  18. Awesome books! I just won a copy of Love, Lucy so I am excited to check it out. It sounds great...I mean it's Italy, right?!?! Enjoy all of your books!

  19. Simple Perfection is so GOOD! I love Abbi Glines :) I wish there was a Half Price books near me, but no suck luck :(

  20. I love Abbi Glines but have only read a few of her books so far. Great haul!

  21. I haven't heard of any of these books, Jessica, but they all look really good! I hope you'll enjoy them :)
    Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  22. I've heard good things about Ready Player One. I hope you enjoy it!

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