
Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekly Roundup [1/20-1/26]

It's finally the last week of January! I feel like January is just never going to end! I guess I'm still getting used to basically having a job now that I'm student teaching. No more 3 day weekends every week for me! I had a pretty good week, though, and this week is the official start of spring semester for my college, so the one class I'm taking on top of student teaching will finally start. It's a journalism class on writing memoirs and it sounds like a lot of fun, so I hope I enjoy it! With the semester starting, that means that my book club and knitting club officially start too! I'm excited to see all of my friends and be able to talk about books, knitting, and life again! 


Before You Break by Christina Lee
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
How to Meet Boys by Catherine Clark
In His Keeping by Maya Banks



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