
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Releases I Meant to Read But Didn't Get To


This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant to Read But Didn't Get To

1. Rites of Passage by Joy N Hensley 
2. After by Anna Todd
3. Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson 

4. The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder
5. The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski 
6. Conversion by Katherine Howe

7. All Broke Down by Cora Carmack
8. Breaking the Rules by Katie McGarry
9. Nowhere But Here by Renee Carlino 

10. Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire


  1. I enjoyed The Winner's Curse! :D Hope you enjoy it as well. I have Since You've Been Gone on my list too. I need a paperback of it so I could read it :D Yay, awesome list!

  2. I just got The Winner's Curse. I'll be diving into it today. And I need to read Conversion. The cover totally hooked me in. Hope you get to all of them this year. :D

  3. I haven't read any of these either but I've heard good things. Since You've Been Gone, The Winner's Curse, and All Broke Down made my list as well. Great choices!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  4. Great list!! I actually still have the first book in the Rusk University series on my top ten list this week. The Winners Curse and Since You've Been Gone are both on my TBR list as well. I hope you find time to enjoy all of these books this year.

    Here is my TTT:

  5. I've heard wonderful things about Since You've Been Gone. I really want to read it, too. I've almost bought After like, a hundred times, but never did. I want to read it, but for some reason I haven't. I hope you get to read these soon!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  6. Since You've Been Gone, Rites of Passage, and Breaking the Rules were all really great! I wish I had gotten around to The Winners Curse also....I hope you get around to these in 2015!

    Em @

  7. OOh nice! Those are some new to me ones! Hope you can read them all this year and love them!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Still need to read so many of these, too! Rites of Passage and Since You've Been Gone to start!

    My TTT

  9. The Winner's Curse is AMAAAAAZING. You're in for a treat when you get to it :)
    All Broke Down is also amazing. Silas is just so swoon-worthy <3
    I totally meant to get to Since You've Been Gone last summer, and totally forgot about it. The Museum of Intangible things sounds fantastic! I hope you enjoy them all!
    Happy reading :)

  10. Since You've Been Gone is one that I was really excited to read as well though I haven't read it yet either. I've been hearing so many great things about it though which makes me want to read it even more! Hopefully you'll get to read these this year. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  11. I need to get to Cormack's ALl Fall Down series as well! I hear it is even better than her first :) The Winner's Curse is fantastic, it lived up to all the hype for me.

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  12. Ooh Conversion sounds interesting. I hadn't heard of it before but I've just added it to my TBR! I'm also looking forward to The Winner's Curse and Since You've Been Gone.
