
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Book Review: Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Never Never (Never Never #1)
By Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
Release Date: January 8, 2015
Source: Smashwords
Summary: Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. Complete strangers since this morning.
He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget.

Review: I never buy ebooks. I don't know why, but I feel like if I can't hold it, then why should I spend money on it? But when Colleen Hoover published Never Never and it was only being released as an ebook for the time being, I knew I had to give in and buy myself a copy. And boy, am I glad a did! 

For this review, I'm not going to give a synopsis or tell you anything about what actually happens. I read this one going in with only the 5 sentence summary on Goodreads and I think that was a major part of why I loved this book (novella?) so much. I literally had no idea what was going on or why the things that happened in the book were even happening. All I knew is that Silas was too adorable and the relationship between Charlie and Silas was beautiful. Colleen Hoover is without a doubt one of the best writers I've ever read, so I knew this one was going to be unlike anything I've ever read. I've never read anything by Tarryn Fisher before, but her chapters were so good! After reading Colleen's explanation of the collaboration, I'm pretty sure that Tarryn wrote all of the chapters from Charlie's point of view and Colleen wrote the chapters from Silas's point of view. I loved the alternating view points and how vivid their personalities were through their own chapters. This collaboration definitely worked and created such a unique book that I absolutely loved. 

When I first heard of this book, I had no idea that it was only about 118 pages and had a part II that was going to be released in May. So when I finished Never Never, I was kind of mad. Okay, not seriously mad, but frustrated that I just read 118 pages of this amazing book only to stop on a cliffhanger that wasn't going to be continued for another five months. Personally, I would have rather had parts I and II at the same time, but I couldn't just not read a Colleen Hoover story that was published. So, I caved and finished flying through the story until I got to the dreaded, "whoa, what's going to happen now!?!?!" ending. Ugh! How am I going to wait until May to figure out what's going to happen to Charlie and Silas??? 

So what am I trying to say with this review? You need to read Never Never. But, before going in, be aware that it is a shorter book whose next part doesn't come out for another 5 months. With that in mind, though, you definitely won't regret reading another brilliant story by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. I definitely have to check out some of Tarryn's books to see if they're as amazing as this story! Now excuse me while I go count down the days until May 17th


  1. Great review! I went in without knowing anything and I definitely think it increased my love of the book. I was wondered about who wrote each chapter (I've never read anything by Fisher either, but I may have to now) so thanks for sharing that info :-)

  2. Interesting review, I have never read anything by this author.
