
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday (172)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

99 Days
By Katie Cotugno
Release Date: April 21, 2015
Summary: Day 1: Julia Donnelly eggs my house my first night back in Star Lake, and that’s how I know everyone still remembers everything—how I destroyed my relationship with Patrick the night everything happened with his brother, Gabe. How I wrecked their whole family. Now I’m serving out my summer like a jail sentence: Just ninety-nine days till I can leave for college, and be done.

Day 4: A nasty note on my windshield makes it clear Julia isn’t finished. I’m expecting a fight when someone taps me on the shoulder, but it’s just Gabe, home from college and actually happy to see me. “For what it’s worth, Molly Barlow,” he says, “I’m really glad you’re back.”

Day 12: Gabe got me to come to this party, and I’m actually having fun. I think he’s about to kiss me—and that’s when I see Patrick. My Patrick, who’s supposed to be clear across the country. My Patrick, who’s never going to forgive me.


This book sounds SO GOOD. Now, I'll admit that I first wanted to read this book because of the cover. How gorgeous is it? The second reason I wanted to read this book is because it's by Katie Cotugno. While I haven't read How to Love yet, I do own a copy and have heard it's an absolutely phenomenal book. Her newest release sounds like it's going to be an emotional read and I'm definitely intrigued. What exactly happened and how is the main character going to get out of this sticky situation before she finally leaves for college in 99 days? 


  1. I almost put this one on my own WWW this week! Great minds think alike :)

    I hope to see you around my blog


  2. I have heard great things about Katie Cotugno. I will have to check out her books soon. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Hmmm, this is the first I'm hearing of this one. Good pick.
    Check out my WOW

  4. I'm about to read this one. I have a copy. Just haven't got around to it yet.

    here' s mine

    I also have a $30 amazon giftcard giveaway going on, so check it out.

  5. Wow, this one is definitely intriguing. I'm not sure whether or not I like the sound of it but something about the book is pulling me in. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it! Thanks for sharing :)

    My WoW
    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

  6. That's a new to me one! Not my kind of read but still hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
