
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Goals/Resolutions for 2015

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2015

Wait, did I really just type out the number 2015? How is the year already over? Ah! 2014 was gone in a flash and now it's time to start making those resolutions! Here are the top ten goals I'm setting for myself starting in the new year

Blogging/Reading Goals
1) Read at least 170 books
2) Take more bookish pictures on Instagram
3) Comment more on my favorite blogs and make more blogger friends
4) Be more active on twitter
5) Read more books on my shelf and don't let my review TBR pile overwhelm me

Personal Goals
6) Train for and run my 3rd half marathon in less that 1:45
7) Graduate from college and find a REAL JOB
8) Complete the photo-a-day challenge for the whole year
9) Finish crochet projects (like my sister's granny square blanket I started 5 months ago…)
10) Try to actually start writing instead of saying I'll do it someday

And those are all of my goals for this year! We'll see how they go! What goals are you guys setting for yourselves this year? 


  1. Awesome goals! I need to read more from my shelves also.

  2. Good luck with your challenges!! Wow!! 170 books...I can't even imagine completing that many in a year. I ran my first half marathon this year and already signed up for my second. It has been an excellent way for me to stay in shape. I hope you can achieve your goal of 1:45. That would be awesome!!

    Here is my TTT:

  3. Whoa, 170 books! That's crazy/awesome! One of my goals is to read 60 books, with a stretch goal of 70. Also, I share your goal of reading more books from my own shelves. Last year I made a list of 10 to read and only read 4 (sad face) so this year I lowered it to 7 and plan on getting to them all in 2015!

  4. I'm challenging myself to read around 115-130 books this year. I haven't decided which. I also made the goal to comment more on my favorite blogs and make more blogging friends! A personal goal I'm setting for myself is to finish at least one of the books I've started to write but haven't finished it.

  5. I'd also like to stick with a photo-a-day challenge this year on instagram... but I've never done a full month so I'll probably shoot for that instead :)
    My TTT

  6. Those a great goals! I definitely need to comment more and read more books on my shelf.

    I also love your goal about writing. Have you ever thought about participating in NaNoWriMo? It's a good way to encourage yourself to write. It gives you a goal and lots of people will support you including authors who have tips and host writing sprints. I'm thinking about doing it again this year. You should think about it.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  7. Great goals! I agree with all of your writing ones. Good luck with your non-writing ones.

    Here's mine

  8. OOoh very nice set of goals! I need to try to do something with Instagram too! Just started an account a week or two ago and been slow to take pictures. Don't always have that WOW bookish picture or any picture moment to capture!

    Good luck with your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Great goals! I followed you on Twitter :) Happy New Year!

    Joy's Book Blog

  10. Wow! 170 books is an impressive goal! I've been trying to post more bookish pictures on Instagram, too. Good luck with your resolutions and happy reading in the New Year!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  11. Oh, the photo a day challenge. In tried that this year and I stopped about the second week in. For whatever reason I forgot about the challenge and then in August I remembered again and I wanted to kick myself for forgetting about it. I am going to try it again this year and hopefully will actually remember about it.

    I also want to work on my TBR pile in 2015 because its way to big and a lot of the books on it I really want to read.

    Good luck on all of your goals :D
    My TTT

  12. Great list! I especially love the taking more bookish pictures and the photo a day challenges. I always love those but always forget. Maybe I should add that to my list for next year as well. Good luck with your goals!

  13. AWESOME GOALS! A half in under 1:45, you will be moving girl, that is awesome! My goal when I run halves are for under 3 hours haha. Slow and steady for me. 170 books, that is another awesome goal, I am going for less than half of that :) since I failed at my goal this year! Good luck on all of them :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  14. Good luck with your goals in 2015!! Have running with your running goals!! Here's my link to my TTT for the week:

  15. Good luck with your goals! Especially running -- the half marathon intimidates me so much, I struggled through my 10k. I'm also a bit bogged down in endless crochet projects left unfinished, too... ha.

    Good luck with your goals! Here's my list.
