
Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekly Roundup [11/18-11/24]

THANKSGIVING IS FOUR DAYS AWAY!!!! That means I'm heading home for Thanksgiving Break tomorrow and get to spend five lovely days with my family, eating yummy food and going Black Friday Shopping! Words can't even begin to describe how excited I am for this break. With only one full week of classes left before exam week, things have definitely been busy and stressful for me. That means, though, that I'm so much closer to finally student teaching next semester! I was assigned my placement last week and learned that I will be teaching in a 10th grade classroom at a wonderful high school about 20 minutes from campus. I could not be more excited for this experience and finally having a place in the classroom! Spending my day teaching English and sharing my love for books? Sounds like a dream come true :) 

Book Reviews
Believe by Erin McCarthy
Autumn Falls by Bella Thorne 




  1. I can totally understand your excitement about finally teaching! Enjoy it and have fun.
    Happy Thanksgiving in advanced :)

  2. Never Have I Ever is one I need to go check out your review on! Good luck with your student teaching. I hope it will be a great group of students for you to work with.
    Check out my STS

  3. Enjoy your holiday! I am looking forward to family time and Black Friday as well :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert
