
Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Roundup [10/28-11/3]

Happy November! Mmmm I can smell the turkey and pumpkin pie already! Haha, okay, so I know Thanksgiving is still weeks away, but we're in the same month! Thanksgiving means Black Friday shopping, which means Christmas is that much closer. This is my favorite time of the year, so I'm definitely excited for the holiday season to start. And what better way to bring in the holiday season than enjoying the first snowfall? I spent Saturday absolutely freezing at my very fist college club cross country race, but it was so worth waking up at 5:15 am to see the first flurries. While it was cold, I had a ton of fun competing with people just as passionate about running as I am. I ended up running the 6k (3.73 miles) in exactly 28 minutes, which means I kept an average pace of 7:30 min/mile! While I was definitely far from the fastest time (I finished 79/140), I am very proud of my performance. We go to nationals in two weeks, so we'll see if I can beat my time! Sunday, I spent the day staying warm and catching up on homework. And that extra hour of sleep from daylight savings was much needed after such a crazy Saturday. Today, it's back to school, which is slowly but surely coming to an end. Only four full weeks of classes left until my last semester before student teaching. Where has the time gone? 

Book Reviews
They All Fall Down by Roxanne St Claire
Press Play by Eric Devine
Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay


Book Blasts

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