
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday (171)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of!

The Secrets We Keep
By Trisha Leaver
Release Date: April 28, 2015
Summary: A girl takes over her twin sister's identity in this emotionally charged page-turner about the complicated bond between sisters.

Ella and Maddy Lawton are identical twins. Ella has spent her high school years living in popular Maddy's shadows, but she has never been envious of Maddy. In fact, she's chosen the quiet, safe confines of her sketchbook over the constant battle for attention that has defined Maddy's world.

When—after a heated argument—Maddy and Ella get into a tragic accident that leaves her sister dead, Ella wakes up in the hospital surrounded by loved ones who believe she is Maddy. Feeling responsible for Maddy's death and everyone's grief, Ella makes a split-second decision to pretend to be Maddy. Soon, Ella realizes that Maddy's life was full of secrets. Caught in a web of lies, Ella is faced with two options—confess her deception or live her sister's life.


As a twin myself (though not identical), I was definitely intrigued by this book. How could Ella take over Maddie's life after she dies? Especially since their lives were so different? I know that this one is going to be extremely emotional, but I'm intrigued to find out what Ella uncovers about her sister's life. This definitely sounds a bit like Sara Shepard's The Lying Game and promises lies, deceit, and a whole lot of secrets that are better left uncovered. 


  1. Seems like a book I would like to read :)

  2. Nice pick! Totally new to me! Not sounding like it's my kind of read but still hope you absolutely love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. WHOA!!! This sounds INTENSE! This would be perfect for our high school library! Thanks for sharing. Happy reading.
    Waiting on Weds @Libby Blog
