
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Places Books Have Made Me Want to Visit

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want to Visit

1. Scotland
Being a 20-something in Scotland just sounds like so much fun. 

2. Small Town in the Colorado Mountains
The men are just so gosh darn swoon-worthy there! 

3. Portland, Oregon
There seems to be a lot that goes on in Portland, especially related to music. It would be fun to find up and coming bands before they made it big! 

4. London, England
I've already been to London about a year and a half ago, but I'm dying to go back! I love reading books either about people who live in London or are Americans visiting for the first time. 

5. North Carolina
Nicholas Sparks makes it sound like the most romantic place ever. 

6. Amsterdam
Who wouldn't want to go to Amsterdam after Gus and Hazel go there together? 

7. Middle-earth 
Hobbits are so cool and I would love to live in one of their hobbit-holes, built adorably into the side of a hill.  

8. Europe in general
I love how Allyson and Willem travel without any plans, they just pick a spot on the map and go. This sounds like it would be such a fun way to explore a new city. 

9. New York
Just like the last one, this book portrays a fun way to explore a new city. Passing a notebook back and forth would be so fun and you never know what you might discovering wandering around such an entertaining city. 

10. Maine
Living in a beach town in Maine sounds like it would be so much fun. Summers would be spent lounging on the beach or working in your tourist town while the rest of the year would be spent in a quiet town when all of the tourists are gone. Not to mention it sounds gorgeous! 


  1. erm.. middle earth is actually in new zealand. google hobbiton new zealand maybe?

  2. Middle Earth was filmed for the movies in New Zealand, that's not where it really is. London and New York were on my list as well!
    Check out my Top 10

  3. I just got back from Amsterdam and the trip was kind of stirred up by TFiOS! Great list!
    My TTT

  4. I want to go to Portland and Scotland so badly! I was on a trip to the US last summer (I live in Switzerland) and was surprised by how much I liked NYC, but we didn't make it further north than San Francisco, so Portland was out :(
    London and Amsterdam are both great, for different reasons :) Reading Just One Day definitely made me want to visit there again.

    My TTT

  5. I would love to see more of Europe! Been to Greece and Italy once almost 9 years ago but would love to go back and elsewhere! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I think I'm secretly a hobbit and the Shire is my home. I wish! ;)

  7. I would love to explore more of the east coast and south. Dash and Lily's Book of Dares add so many places to my list of things to do in NYC.

  8. New York, London and North Carolina (thanks to Nicholas Sparks) are all on my list. And I'm originally from Colorado so I can vouch for how awesome little mountain towns are!
