
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I've Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Authors I've Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More

Gosh, I always read books and say that I need to either finish the series or read more from that author. But that's just so hard to do with how many books are in my TBR pile! Like after I finished Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire? I literally wanted to lock myself away in my room and not come out until I've read all of her books because her writing is so freaking good. Sadly, I have school, clubs, homework, family, I can't spend my time reading 24/7 like I wish I could. But here are authors that I have absolutely loved and can't wait to read more from (most of which I already own more books from and just haven't gotten to yet)!

1. John Green 


  1. Great list!! John Green made my list as well. I liked the second book in the Divergent series and really need to read Allegiant. I haven't read books by any of these other authors, but several are on my TBR list.

    Here is my TTT:

  2. Great list! A lot of new to me authors. I have a Lily Dalton that I have yet to read so I'm excited to see her name on your list. I hadn't really heard anything about her.

  3. Nice list. I've only read Divergent as well. It was a good book but I find that when it comes to a series, I generally only read the first book. I end up getting side tracked by all the pretty new books coming out.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  4. So much yes to Brandon Sanderson! Steelheart was my first foray into his work but Mistborn is even better!

    As far as Divergent and The Maze Runner go, they're both good trilogies but the first books are the best. I may be unpopular in saying this, but it's probably okay if you don't finish them.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  5. OOh nice list! I loved Veronica's trilogy! Still need to read Four, but I'll get to it eventually! The Maze Runner is in my TBR pile, I admit the movie got me curious and it looks like something I would enjoy! So naturally I must read the book first!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I didn't put James Dashner on my list, but I need to read the second book, too! Elle Kennedy's book has a hot cover ;) I've never heard of her, so now I'm going to have to add her to my tbr list.

    Here's my top ten!

    Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales

  7. There a lot of good books on this list, that I agree with! There are so many good books out already and coming out everyday, it can be hard to keep up with them all! But I'll have to catch up on some of these authors as well!


  8. Lily Dalton's second book isn't as good as Never Desire a Duke, but I still enjoyed it. Divergent is my favorite of the trilogy! Thanks for sharing.
