
Friday, August 22, 2014

Follow My Book Blog Friday (149)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What book/series do you think would make a better tv show than movie? 


I think it would have been really cool if The Hunger Games trilogy were a TV show instead of a movie. I think the movies are great, but could you imagine all of the cliffhangers the show would have?? 

Also, how has The Mediator not been a show yet? Honestly, these books are awesome and I think that the show would be so addicting. I know it's basically a teen ghost whisperer, but it would be great to see the characters of this series come to life for an entire show. 


  1. Totally agree about The Hunger Games! A TV show would give more opportunity to give more of the story unlike cutting out stuff for a movie (I'm still upset that I didn't get to see Haymitch fall off the stage)

    New follower :)

    Christy @ Christy's Book Addiction

  2. Hunger Games as a TV show would be great! I'd totally watch that!

    followed via GFC :)

    Hayden @ The Teen Bookworm

  3. AHHH!! OMG I always get the excites or whatever you want to call it when people mention loving the Mediator series! This series saved my sanity as a teen! I found them when I was a teen and wanting paranormal YA and it hadn't been "invented" yet. But I looooooooooooooooved this series! Sooo ecstatic for the next book next year! SQUEE!!!!

    And totally agree that would make a great TV show. Only caught a few episodes of Ghost Whisperer myself, but I think this one could be cooler. Because really, Jesse!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I would love to see the mediator as a tv series I think that would be really great!
    My FF

  5. I would have watched The Hunger Games show religiously!!!
    Old Follower.
    Kirsty @ All in One Place

  6. Good choices! I'm an existing follower.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  7. HI! *waves* I'm new to the blog hop! I'm following you via Twitter (tlcbooks05), Blogloving (loric5), and GFC

  8. Hi, I'm an old follower and it's my first time participating in FF. I would enjoy The Hunger Games as a TV show as they'd be able to put so much more detail in. I thought the films were really well cast but they feel a little rushed. In the first movie I thought there wasn't really a chance to get to know all the characters before they killed them all off, so I wasn't as emotionally involved.

    My FF

  9. I think Vampire Academy could have been a good tv show. There are a lot of characters and a long story line and just a lot of content to build a longer show out of.

    <a href=">Ifrah @ Brain On Pause</a>
