
Friday, August 29, 2014

Follow My Book Blog (150)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Tell us about a book character you'd trade places with

Answer: Anna from Time Between Us

So I know the whole thing with not being able to control time travel kind of sucked in regards to Anna's relationship with Bennett in this book, but Bennett's ability to time travel is so cool. Not only can he travel in time, but he can basically teleport himself anywhere he wants. And take Anna with him. I want my own time traveling boyfriend! Well, you know, when the time traveling isn't snapping him back to his own time. Also, I love how into concerts Bennett was and how he kept all of his tickets in a bowl in his room. I actually started my own jar of movies tickets after hearing the ticket bowl idea from this book. I would totally love to time travel with Bennett to different concerts by different bands all over the world. Overall, having a time traveling boyfriend would be awesome. 


  1. I agree! Having a time traveling boyfriend would be very awesome! Great pick! Happy Friday!
    Old BL follower
    Brittney @Reviews from a Dreamer

  2. Haha, I love that you want your own time traveling BF. I agree, that would be epic. Imagine the dates you could go on.
    "Oh, hey, what should we do today?"
    "I don't know, wanna go to 19th century France?"
    "Sure, I guess I'm in the mood for a good baguette."

    New GFC Follower

    Kat @ Readiculous Blog

  3. Nice! Never read this one but sounds cool! I used to keep my movie stubs as well. Like all the time! Still have a box of them, sad to watch the price go from below $5 to nearly $10! Yeesh.

    Stopped saving them recently because they lost their "movie ticket-ness". Meaning they were on thicker paper and just looked cooler and now they're nothing more than receipt paper. :/

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I've not read Time Between Us, but I enjoyed The Time Traveller's Wife, so I think I might like this. I'm an existing follower.

    My FF

  5. I would trade places with the character in The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.

    I loved that book and its setting. I read it so long ago, but still recommend it all the time. I can't remember the character's name. :)

    Have a great reading week.
